Brian's Winter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brian's Winter Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Chapter 4, what does Brian plan to do first thing the next morning?
(a) Re-mark his territory.
(b) Go fishing.
(c) Go hunting.
(d) Try out his big bow.

2. What does Brian eat on the fourth day of raining?
(a) A Northern Pike.
(b) Deer.
(c) Rabbit.
(d) Foolbird.

3. How many inches could Brian sew with a single lace?
(a) Five or six.
(b) Seven or eight.
(c) Three or four.
(d) Nine or ten.

4. What does Brian practice on when he picks up his bow and arrows again?
(a) Painted target.
(b) Bird.
(c) Dirt hummock.
(d) Tree.

5. What does Brian do to the wolves marking of territory?
(a) Rubs fish guts to destroy the previous smell.
(b) Ignores it.
(c) Tries to smell what the wolves smell.
(d) Brian marks it with his own urine.

6. In his search for arrowheads, what does Brian hit the rocks with?
(a) The rifle butt.
(b) The flat part of his hatchet.
(c) Another rock.
(d) The sharp part of his hatchet.

7. In Chapter 3, Brian awakens with urgency. Why?
(a) A skunk visits him.
(b) He realizes winter is coming.
(c) He hears an airplane.
(d) The bear returns.

8. What is Brian's first meal with the deer?
(a) Ribs.
(b) Steak.
(c) Roasted.
(d) Stew.

9. How many feathers does Brian use for each arrow and at what length?
(a) Three five-inch long feathers.
(b) Three seven-inch long feathers.
(c) Two six-inch long feathers.
(d) Two four-inch long feathers.

10. What did the bear smell that brought it into Brian's camp?
(a) Brian.
(b) Fish stew.
(c) Cooked foolbirds.
(d) Dead rabbit.

11. How many shells were included in the emergency pack?
(a) 25.
(b) 40
(c) 10.
(d) 50.

12. Where is the skunk living?
(a) Under Brian's shelter.
(b) In nearby brush.
(c) Brian doesn't know.
(d) In a burrow it made at Brian's camp.

13. What did the sign over the door of the sporting goods store say?
(a) Sporting Goods.
(b) Anti-mall.
(c) Hunting and Fishing.
(d) All your sporting good needs.

14. What mineral is the skunk smell compared to?
(a) Copper.
(b) Coal.
(c) Sulfur.
(d) Iron.

15. What did Brian kill about forty feet from camp in Chapter 4?
(a) Rabbit.
(b) Pigeon.
(c) Foolbird.
(d) Duck.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does it take arrow shafts to dry in the sun?

2. Where does Brian find cord to string his bow with?

3. What shape is the lake where Brian is living?

4. When hunting was going well in Chapter 2, what was the most foolbirds Brian killed in a single day?

5. What comes to Brian with a "softness"?

(see the answer keys)

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