Breath, Eyes, Memory Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sophie's mother lend Sophie when she leaves?
(a) Her apartment.
(b) Her bicycle.
(c) Her car.
(d) Her watch.

2. What mode of transportation does the family use to get to the apartment?
(a) They take a car.
(b) They take a bus.
(c) Somebody they know picks them up.
(d) They take a cab.

3. What does Sophie saying her mother is pregnant bring back to her?
(a) It brings back loving memories.
(b) It brings back her nightmares of the rape.
(c) It brings back memories of Sophie's birth.
(d) It brings back her nightmares of her ex-husband.

4. Where do Ifé and Sophie eat their dinner when Tante Atie does not come home for supper?
(a) In the kitchen.
(b) By the neighbors.
(c) Outside on the porch.
(d) Outside in the yard.

5. How do we know Atie does not come home the night she misses dinner?
(a) Atie calls home to excuse herself.
(b) Atie tells everybody she didn't come home.
(c) Atie's bed is still made in the morning.
(d) Atie pretends to sleep in her bed.

6. What would Sophie do whenever her mother "tested" her?
(a) She asked her to stop.
(b) Pretended she was somewhere else.
(c) She cried.
(d) She thought nothing.

7. What does Eliab buy at the market when Sophie sends him there?
(a) Milk and a mango.
(b) Milk.
(c) A mango.
(d) Vegetables.

8. What joke does Ifé make about Eliab?
(a) That Eliab wants to marry Atie.
(b) That Eliab is her son.
(c) That Eliab wants to marry Sophie.
(d) That Eliab wants to marry her.

9. What does Sophie do when her mother arrives for a visit?
(a) She stands on the porch.
(b) She runs away.
(c) She yells at her mother.
(d) She hugs her mother.

10. Who makes dinner the night Atie comes back home?
(a) Grandme.
(b) Atie.
(c) Sophie.
(d) Louise.

11. What does Sophie do after the funeral?
(a) She runs into the river.
(b) She runs to the house of her grandmother.
(c) She runs into the grave.
(d) She runs into the cane fields.

12. What does Sophie say when her therapist asks her if she went to the spot where her mother was raped during the trip?
(a) That she tried to go there.
(b) That she stopped by it.
(c) That she will never go there.
(d) That she ran past it.

13. Why does Atie think she was a fool, while she is standing in her room talking to Sophie?
(a) Because Atie thought Louise was her friend.
(b) Because Atie thought Louise was married.
(c) Because Atie thought Louise was going to stay near her forever.
(d) Because Atie thought Louise was not her friend.

14. What happens to Sophie's mother each time she thinks about having the baby taken out?
(a) She cannot breathe.
(b) She cannot bathe.
(c) She cannot eat.
(d) She cannot sleep.

15. After skipping dinner one night, she joins in again. What does Atie do after that dinner?
(a) She goes for her reading lesson.
(b) She goes out with Louise.
(c) She goes for her music lesson.
(d) She does the dishes.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Sophie hope when she looks back at her daughter sleeping in the back seat?

2. What did Martine and Atie's parents used to tell stories about?

3. What does Sophie's mother decide to do about her pregnancy?

4. Where does Atie feed the pig after coming home the night of the supper?

5. When does Sophie's mother decide to come for a visit?

(see the answer keys)

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