Breath, Eyes, Memory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breath, Eyes, Memory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Louise standing when she shouts Atie's name before picking her up?
(a) At the neighbor's house.
(b) In the yard.
(c) In the kitchen.
(d) On the road.

2. Which color do Sophie and her mother love?
(a) Purple.
(b) Orange.
(c) Green.
(d) Yellow.

3. What is Louise selling on the side of the road?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Fish.
(c) Cola.
(d) Vegetables.

4. Why does Sophie get up early in the morning in Chapter 16?
(a) To eat an early breakfast.
(b) To watch the sun rise.
(c) To bathe.
(d) To watch the village.

5. How is chagrin treated?
(a) By eating a special herb.
(b) With antibiotics.
(c) By drinking a special tea.
(d) By drinking honey.

6. Who is the sender of the item that comes for the family?
(a) Atie.
(b) Martine.
(c) Louise.
(d) Joseph.

7. What question does Joseph ask Sophie when he tells her he is leaving forever?
(a) If she wants to come with him.
(b) If she wants to introduce him to her mother.
(c) If she wants anything from his house.
(d) If she wants to marry him.

8. What poem does Atie read before she leaves the house for the night?
(a) The poem Sophie wrote on a Mother's Day card years earlier.
(b) A poem Sophie wrote for her mother recently.
(c) A poem she read in a newspaper.
(d) One of her own poems.

9. Where is the item that arrives for the family the day an outsider joins supper?
(a) At the post.
(b) At Louise's place.
(c) At the bank.
(d) At the neighbor's house.

10. What country is Sophie in when the third book opens?
(a) Dominican Republic.
(b) United States.
(c) France.
(d) Haiti.

11. What does Sophie notice when she sees her grandmother naked outside in the bath shack?
(a) A wound on her grandmother's body.
(b) A scar on her grandmother's body.
(c) A hump on her grandmother's body.
(d) That her grandmother is fat.

12. What do Sophie and Joseph do after the last test of Sophie's mother?
(a) They stay in Joseph's house.
(b) They break up.
(c) They run off to get married.
(d) They run off to get children.

13. When do Sophie and Joseph get married?
(a) One month after they run off.
(b) One month after they meet.
(c) Two months after they run off.
(d) One week after they run off.

14. What do Atie and Sophie say about Brigitte on the way home?
(a) They talk about how strong Brigitte is.
(b) They talk about how strange Brigitte is.
(c) They talk about how tall Brigitte is.
(d) They talk about how weak Brigitte is.

15. How does Sophie go to the airport?
(a) By bus.
(b) By car.
(c) By foot.
(d) By taxi.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who picks Sophie up at the airport in the United States?

2. What does Louis want grandmother and Sophie to buy?

3. When do Sophie and her mother have a serious conversation?

4. What does Atie make for breakfast the day after the potluck?

5. What is Joseph's profession?

(see the answer keys)

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