Breasts and Eggs Test | Final Test - Medium

Mieko Kawakami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breasts and Eggs Test | Final Test - Medium

Mieko Kawakami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 13, "A Tall Order," how does Natsu feel about approaching Jun Aizawa?
(a) Nervous but determined to make a good impression.
(b) Fearful of his reaction and hesitant to speak with him.
(c) Confident and eager to ask questions.
(d) Anxious and unsure about whether she should say anything.

2. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", what is the main message of Ryoko Sengawa's advice to Natsu?
(a) Natsu needs to change her writing style to attract more readers.
(b) Real readers who appreciate unique voices are more important than sales or celebrity endorsements.
(c) Sales and celebrity endorsements are the keys to a successful book.
(d) Natsu needs to focus on promoting her work to TV personalities.

3. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," what does Natsu do at the end of the passage?
(a) She goes to sleep in her bed.
(b) She takes a shower.
(c) She goes to visit Midoriko and Makiko in Tokyo.
(d) She looks at herself in the mirror and contemplates her body.

4. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", what did the protagonist's male editor criticize about her writing?
(a) Her inability to create likable characters.
(b) Her frequent use of Osaka accent in the dialogue.
(c) Her lack of genuine ambition.
(d) Her choice of words and expressions.

5. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", how does Yoshikawa feel about the surgery?
(a) She will do it without hesitation for her family's sake.
(b) She will do it only if it is the last resort.
(c) She will not consider giving her kidney to her husband.
(d) She will need more information before making a decision.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 10, "Choose From The Following Options," why does the woman hesitate to tell Sengawa about the idea of getting pregnant from donated sperm?

2. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," what does Natsu offer to Midoriko and Makiko?

3. In Book Two: Chapter 12, "Merry Christmas," what topic is the woman in the wrinkly gray jacket opposed to?

4. In Book Two: Chapter 13, "A Tall Order," why does Aizawa's life become complicated after finding out about his conception?

5. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", why does Natsu's second book become a success?

Short Essay Questions

1. Book Two: Chapter 11, "I Am So Happy Cause Today...," how does Sengawa respond to Natsu's remarks about feeling overheated during the event? How do they end up at the afterparty?

2. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition," explore the significance of Natsu's name, Natsuko Natsume, in the context of her identity and artistic journey. Analyze how her name reflects her connection to her mother's family and its impact on her writing and sense of self.

3. In Book Two: Chapter 9, "All The Little Flowers," analyze the changes in Natsu's relationship with Naruse over time, from their deep connection as friends to their eventual breakup.

4. In Book Two: Chapter 13, "A Tall Order," analyze the protagonist's decision to attend the symposium and their encounter with Jun Aizawa. how does the interaction with Aizawa contribute to Natsu's internal conflict about donor conception, and how does it affect her emotional state?

5. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," discuss the motif of uncertainty and its role in driving the narrative forward.

6. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition," examine Ryoko Sengawa's role in the protagonist's life and writing career. How does Sengawa's advice and encouragement impact Natsu's creative process and perspective on literature?

7. In Book Two: Chapter 10, "Choose From The Following Options," discuss the impact of Natsu's research on sperm donation and fertility treatment on her thoughts and emotions.

8. In Book Two: Chapter 10, "Choose From The Following Options," how does Natsu's focus on writing and research influence her ability to maintain a connection with Sengawa?

9. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," how does the setting of Tokyo contribute to the sense of isolation and disconnection Natsu feels?

10. Book Two: Chapter 11, "I Am So Happy Cause Today...," discuss the atmosphere and interactions at the afterparty. How do the attendees behave, and how does the male novelist's conversation draw both support and criticism?

(see the answer keys)

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