Breasts and Eggs Test | Final Test - Easy

Mieko Kawakami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breasts and Eggs Test | Final Test - Easy

Mieko Kawakami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", what did the protagonist's male editor criticize about her writing?
(a) Her choice of words and expressions.
(b) Her lack of genuine ambition.
(c) Her frequent use of Osaka accent in the dialogue.
(d) Her inability to create likable characters.

2. In Book Two: Chapter 11, "I Am So Happy Cause Today...," what has changed in the bathhouse according to Natsu?
(a) The temperature of the water.
(b) The presence of people.
(c) The location of the bathhouse.
(d) The color of the tiles.

3. In Book Two: Chapter 13, "A Tall Order," what is Rika working on during the holidays and at the time of the conversation with Natsu?
(a) A blog about infertility.
(b) Galleys for a novel coming out in spring.
(c) A book that had already been published.
(d) A new series for a newspaper.

4. In Book Two: Chapter 9, "All The Little Flowers," how long does it take Natsu to pay off her student loans?
(a) 25 years.
(b) 20 years.
(c) 15 years.
(d) 10 years.

5. In Book Two: Chapter 13, "A Tall Order," what promise does Komi make to Natsu in the dream?
(a) Komi promises to visit her as a ghost after death.
(b) Komi promises to stay with her forever and never leave.
(c) Komi promises to communicate with Natsu in various forms after death.
(d) Komi promises to be a guardian angel for Natsu.

6. In Book Two: Chapter 11, "I Am So Happy Cause Today...," who does Natsu use to visit the bathhouse with?
(a) No one, Natsu goes alone.
(b) Mom and Dad.
(c) Komi and Makiko.
(d) Only Komi.

7. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", what is the main message of Ryoko Sengawa's advice to Natsu?
(a) Natsu needs to change her writing style to attract more readers.
(b) Real readers who appreciate unique voices are more important than sales or celebrity endorsements.
(c) Sales and celebrity endorsements are the keys to a successful book.
(d) Natsu needs to focus on promoting her work to TV personalities.

8. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", what does Natsu do after her editor's harsh criticism?
(a) She ignores the criticism and continued writing as before.
(b) She gives up writing and pursues a different career.
(c) She seeks advice from other editors and writers.
(d) She screams in frustration and decides to forget about the editor's comments.

9. In Book Two: Chapter 9, "All The Little Flowers," what is Natsu doing at the beginning of the chapter?
(a) Reflecting on her past relationship.
(b) Relaxing on an island vacation.
(c) Working on her novel.
(d) Writing a series of essays.

10. In Book Two: Chapter 11, "I Am So Happy Cause Today...," what does Natsu find peculiar about the women in the audience during the reading?
(a) They are laughing and chatting loudly, distracting others.
(b) They are completely engrossed in the readings and do not blink.
(c) They seem disinterested in the readings and look bored.
(d) They are wearing winter clothing even though it is still autumn.

11. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," what does Natsu offer to Midoriko and Makiko?
(a) To lend them money.
(b) To buy them ice cream.
(c) To buy them soy milk.
(d) To take them on a trip to Tokyo.

12. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," what do Natsu and Midoriko buy at the store?
(a) Fireworks.
(b) Candy and ice cream.
(c) Rice and vegetables.
(d) Books and magazines.

13. In Book Two: Chapter 11, "I Am So Happy Cause Today...," what do the men in the smoking area do with the cigarette butts?
(a) Puts them in their pockets.
(b) Smokes them again.
(c) Puts them in plastic bags after squeezing out the moisture.
(d) Throws them away in the trash.

14. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," what does Natsu do at the end of the passage?
(a) She takes a shower.
(b) She goes to sleep in her bed.
(c) She looks at herself in the mirror and contemplates her body.
(d) She goes to visit Midoriko and Makiko in Tokyo.

15. In Book Two: Chapter 12, "Merry Christmas," what does Rie's mother prioritize over her and her sister?
(a) Her daughters.
(b) Her own happiness.
(c) Her husband.
(d) Her career.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book Two: Chapter 9, "All The Little Flowers," what do Natsu and her family do with the floral dresses when her mother and sister died?

2. In Book Two: Chapter 13, "A Tall Order," what does Jun Aizawa do for a living?

3. In Book Two: Chapter 9, "All The Little Flowers," what do Natsu and Naruse talk about during their phone call after the earthquake?

4. In Book Two: Chapter 9, "All The Little Flowers," what is Midoriko's current situation?

5. In Book Two: Chapter 13, "A Tall Order," how does Natsu feel about approaching Jun Aizawa?

(see the answer keys)

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