Breasts and Eggs Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Mieko Kawakami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breasts and Eggs Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Mieko Kawakami
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 213 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book One: Chapter 7, All That You Hold Dear - Book Two: Chapter 9, All The Little Flowers.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book One: Chapter 5, "Up All Night Talking," how does Midoriko react when they learn Nozomi's true age?
(a) They were shocked and couldn't believe they had been deceived.
(b) They were angry at Nozomi for lying about her age.
(c) They were sympathetic and tried to visit Nozomi in the hospital.
(d) They felt guilty for not noticing the signs of their young age.

2. In Book One: Chapter 3, "Whose Boobs Are They?", what does Natsu want more than anything?
(a) To fit societal beauty standards.
(b) To impress her partner.
(c) To feel beautiful and happy.
(d) To gain more self-confidence.

3. In Book One: Chapter 7, "All That You Hold Dear," what does Natsu do at the end of the passage?
(a) She goes to visit Midoriko and Makiko in Tokyo.
(b) She looks at herself in the mirror and contemplates her body.
(c) She takes a shower.
(d) She goes to sleep in her bed.

4. In Book One: Chapter 1, "Are You Poor?," why does Natsu feel like she is the only one who does not know the rules at Tokyo Station?
(a) Because it is her first time visiting Tokyo.
(b) Because she feels out of place among the crowd of people.
(c) Because she does not understand how the train system works.
(d) Because she does not know where to go to meet her sister.

5. In Book One: Chapter 3, "Whose Boobs Are They?", how does Natsu describe the tomboy's body?
(a) Completely feminine.
(b) Effeminate with masculine traits.
(c) Ambiguous, neither masculine nor feminine.
(d) Masculine with feminine qualities.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Book One: Chapter 2, "To Be More Beautiful," how does Makiko describe the clinic she has chosen for breast augmentation?

2. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", how does Yuko feel about her husband in the context of the kidney donation scenario?

3. In Book Two: Chapter 9, "All The Little Flowers," what makes Natsu feel like she could not join the club of people with kids?

4. In Book Two: Chapter 8, "Where Is Your Ambition?", how does Yoshikawa feel about the surgery?

5. In Book One: Chapter 2, "To Be More Beautiful," why is Natsu uneasy when Makiko calls her in the middle of the night?

(see the answer key)

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