Breaking Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breaking Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who are the Cullens concerned about learning of Renesmee?
(a) Aro.
(b) No one.
(c) Other vampire families.
(d) Other werewolf packs.

2. Whose arrival surprises everyone?
(a) Jared.
(b) Alice.
(c) Amazons.
(d) Some vampires from Central America.

3. What do the Cullens decide to do to learn more about Renesmee?
(a) Talk to the Volturi.
(b) Take a blood sample and run a DNA analysis.
(c) Go to the archives in Transylvania and see what information is there.
(d) Follow legends of vampire-human hybirds to their source.

4. What does Edward think of what Aro tells Renesmee?
(a) It is meant to gain information.
(b) It is nor likely that Aro will be able to ensure the safty himself.
(c) It is the truth.
(d) It is a lie.

5. What does Renesmee wear when she visits Charlie on Christmas?
(a) A pair of pants and tee shirt that would be for a six-year-old.
(b) A dress that would be normally for a three-year old.
(c) A locket and the Quileute version of a promise ring.
(d) A disguise that covers her eyes and ears.

Short Answer Questions

1. What shocks Edward when Bella turns to go in another direction?

2. What does Carmen notice about Renesmee?

3. How does Carlisle explain Bella's looks to Charlie?

4. Where does Bella drive after dropping off Renesmee and Jacob?

5. What does Carlisle assure Edward about concerning Bella?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Edward do to get Bella inside the house and what is a gift from him to her?

2. Describe the scene when Bella gets to hold Renesmee for the first time.

3. What do the Cullens decide to do in order to try to slow Renesmee's growth, but what does Bella have to do first?

4. What do the guests staying at the Cullen home feel the need to declare?

5. What plans do the Cullens begin to make?

6. Why doesn't Bella answer Edward and how does Alice allay his worries?

7. What is the first scent Bella smells on the hunt and how does she react?

8. How is Bella feeling and what brings her out of her pain for a brief moment?

9. What does Edward tell Bella about Renesmee when they are returning to the house from the hunt?

10. How does Bella begin to work with her shield?

(see the answer keys)

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