Breaking Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breaking Dawn Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Alice climb and what does she do at the opening of Chapter 24?
(a) Alice climbs a tree to set a radio-operated intruder alert.
(b) Alice climbs up a radio tower and grabs a falcon.
(c) Alice climbs up into the attic and searches through
(d) Alice climbs on Bella's back and covers Bella's eyes.

2. What does Bella finally bring down and drain of blood?
(a) A mountain lion.
(b) A panther.
(c) A weasel.
(d) A wild goat.

3. How does Carlisle explain Bella's looks to Charlie?
(a) Carlisle says it was necessary to keep her from dying.
(b) He says she had to have plastic surgery because the disease marred her body.
(c) He says it's the side effects of several powerful drugs she is on.
(d) He does not offer an explanation.

4. How does Irina respond when she spies Jacob, Bella and Renesmee?
(a) She is friendly to Bella but not Jacob.
(b) She tries to grab Renesmee.
(c) She looks hostile and runs away.
(d) She makes over Renesmee.

5. What does Charlie sit down to do?
(a) Play with Renesmee.
(b) Talk to Bella about her mother.
(c) Watch a football game.
(d) Eat lunch with the group.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Max get yelled at by a man Jax calls?

2. What does Edward suggest to allay Bella's panic when Bella is hunting?

3. What does Edward say about Renesmee?

4. Where does Bella drive after dropping off Renesmee and Jacob?

5. What does Charlie ask for just before he leaves?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bella do with the documents she gets from J. Jenks?

2. What does Garrett say to the witnesses the Volturi have brought with them?

3. What does Edward do to get Bella inside the house and what is a gift from him to her?

4. Why doesn't Bella answer Edward and how does Alice allay his worries?

5. What does Bella do after dropping Jacob and Renesmee off at Charlie's house?

6. What happens when Charlie first sees Bella and why does he accept the change in her?

7. Who arrives with the Volturi and what is Irina's reaction when she sees her sisters?

8. What do the guests staying at the Cullen home feel the need to declare?

9. Why does Bella want to go to the Volturi alone and how does Edward feel about that plan?

10. What plans do the Cullens begin to make?

(see the answer keys)

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