Breakfast of Champions Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breakfast of Champions Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Dwayne ignore Harry after Harry approaches him at the car dealership?
(a) Dwayne thinks Harry is stealing money.
(b) Dwayne thinks he is hallucinating Harry.
(c) Dwayne has more important things on his mind.
(d) Dwayne has never liked Harry.

2. Who does Kilgore receive a letter from in Chapter 3, asking him to speak at an arts festival?
(a) Dwayne Hoover.
(b) Philboyd Studge.
(c) Eliot Rosewater.
(d) Fred T. Barry.

3. What social status is Kilgore categorized as?
(a) Rich.
(b) White collar.
(c) Poor.
(d) Blue collar.

4. Who does Kilgore receive a fan letter from, that praises his work Plague On Wheels?
(a) Phoebe Hurty.
(b) Dwayne Hoover.
(c) Eliot Rosewater.
(d) Philboyd Studge.

5. Who does Dwayne believe the insight he gains from reading Kilgore's novel is from?
(a) President of the United States.
(b) His late father.
(c) Creator of the Universe.
(d) Satan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Dwayne's number one salesman?

2. What is Kilgore invited to do at the event in Midland City?

3. What does Kilgore think about as he watches a movie in Chapter 5?

4. Who owns part of the Holiday Inn?

5. How much is the check for that is enclosed in the letter that Kilgore receives?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Chapter 10, why does Kilgore have to sit on the floor of the truck he rides in?

2. What do the illustrations in Chapter 1 do for the tone of the chapter?

3. What is Kilgore's novel, Plague On Wheels, about?

4. What significance did Kilgore's comment in the police station end up having on the residents of NY?

5. What is the irony of Kilgore browsing in the pornography shop in New York?

6. in Chapter 12, what does the driver recognize as a difference between himself and Kilgore?

7. What does the message written on the bathroom wall in the pornography theater say and what is Kilgore's response to it?

8. Who is Cyprian Ukwende and why is he staying at the Midland City Holiday Inn?

9. How is the Preface in Breakfast of Champions presented in terms of genre?

10. What is the difference between Dwayne's personal life and business life?

(see the answer keys)

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