Breakfast of Champions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Breakfast of Champions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kilgore imagine about himself after reading what was written on the bathroom wall?
(a) He is destined for greatness.
(b) He has been chosen by a higher power.
(c) He is the only truly enlightened person.
(d) He is experiencing important things.

2. What is going on at the car dealership the day Wayne accosts Dwayne?
(a) Seize the Day promotion.
(b) An employee's birthday.
(c) Casual Friday.
(d) Hawaiian Days promotion.

3. What does Kilgore think about as he watches a movie in Chapter 5?
(a) His childhood.
(b) His books.
(c) His speech.
(d) His pet.

4. What does Kilgore attempt to do after reading what was written on the bathroom wall?
(a) Beam his thoughts to the creator.
(b) Create a new language.
(c) Contact alien life forms.
(d) Start a seminar on science fiction.

5. What is causing Dwayne's continual mental instability?
(a) Drugs.
(b) A chemical imbalance.
(c) Lack of testosterone.
(d) Medication he is taking.

6. Instead of shooting himself, what does Dwayne do in an effort to end his life?
(a) Swallows pills.
(b) Hangs himself.
(c) Crashes his car.
(d) Picked a fight with someone.

7. What kind of pet does Kilgore have?
(a) Hamster.
(b) Parakeet.
(c) Turtle.
(d) Cat.

8. What did the element that Celia ingested do to her?
(a) Dissolved her insides.
(b) Caused vomiting.
(c) Dehydrated her.
(d) Halted her appetite.

9. Why does Dwayne think about a particular family member in Chapter 6?
(a) The person left him.
(b) The person is dead.
(c) He misses the person.
(d) He is angry with that person.

10. What social status is Kilgore categorized as?
(a) Blue collar.
(b) White collar.
(c) Rich.
(d) Poor.

11. What event is Kilgore invited to attend in Midland City?
(a) European film festival.
(b) University professors' convention.
(c) English literature convention.
(d) Local arts festival.

12. What does Kilgore and the person he catches a ride with talk about?
(a) The burning down of rain forests.
(b) The degradation of American politics.
(c) Petitioning to stop drilling.
(d) Conservation of natural resources.

13. What does Dwayne do following his reading of Kilgore's novel?
(a) Flees from Midland City.
(b) Visits estranged friends and family.
(c) Burns the book.
(d) Goes on a violent rampage.

14. What does Kilgore refer to mirrors as?
(a) Leaks.
(b) Windows.
(c) Ponds.
(d) Pools.

15. Where does Kilgore wake up after walking the street in Chapter 8?
(a) An alleyway.
(b) Central Park.
(c) A hotel.
(d) The pornography theatre.

Short Answer Questions

1. What genre does Kilgore prefer to write?

2. What is Dwayne's medical condition mentioned in Chapter 1?

3. What is the name of Dwayne's dog?

4. Why does Wayne Hoobler accost Dwayne at the car dealership?

5. Who does Kilgore receive a fan letter from, that praises his work Plague On Wheels?

(see the answer keys)

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