Break It Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Davis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 56 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Break It Down Test | Final Test - Easy

Lydia Davis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 56 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the narrator's lover respond when he told her he loved her?
(a) She was quiet.
(b) She shook her head and got up.
(c) She said she did not feel the same way.
(d) She said she loved him too.

2. What does the narrator do to try to ease some of the feelings leftover from the affair?
(a) Go out with friends.
(b) Take a class.
(c) Visit family.
(d) Go to public places to be around people.

3. What was significant about the night the narrator told his lover that he loved her?
(a) He had proposed to her.
(b) It was their last night.
(c) It was her birthday.
(d) It was their first night.

4. Why does the narrator think he could not let himself fall completely in love with his lover?
(a) He was afraid of commitment.
(b) He did not fully trust her.
(c) He was not over his last relationship.
(d) He knew the affair was going to be so short.

5. What "comes after [the affair] and lasts longer" (30), according to the narrator?
(a) The pain.
(b) The regret.
(c) The joy.
(d) The peace.

6. What does the narrator cite as the other "bad time" (28) he and his lover had?
(a) The time they ran into her boyfriend.
(b) The time he got too drunk.
(c) The time he had to leave.
(d) The time his wife called him.

7. What does the narrator think may have been the only bad time with his lover?
(a) When she asked if she was fat.
(b) When he told her he loved her.
(c) When she told him she was leaving him.
(d) When he was too tired to make love.

8. If the narrator calculates the time spent thinking of his lover up to six weeks after the affair, how much does he figure he has spent?
(a) $6 an hour.
(b) $3 an hour.
(c) $60 an hour.
(d) $24 an hour.

9. How was the narrator beginning to feel the day he had to leave?
(a) Enraged.
(b) Excited.
(c) Empty.
(d) Energetic.

10. What sounds does the narrator say may remind him of his lover?
(a) A cat or baby crying.
(b) A child singing.
(c) A woman laughing.
(d) A snake hissing.

11. What does the narrator worry he did to his lover by telling her he loved her?
(a) Trapped her into saying it back.
(b) Scared her away.
(c) Lied to her.
(d) Made her dislike him.

12. Why does the narrator say he felt he had to tell his lover that he loved her?
(a) He thought it would make her stay.
(b) He wanted to scare her away.
(c) It was bursting inside him.
(d) He was drunk.

13. What did the narrator's lover give to him before he left?
(a) Her silk robe.
(b) Cab fare.
(c) A green and blue shirt.
(d) A bottle of champagne.

14. What did the narrator see as he walked way from the room for the last time?
(a) The door closing.
(b) He lover blowing him a kiss.
(c) His lover walking away.
(d) His lover looking at him.

15. What does the narrator say he sometimes feels like when he thinks of his affair?
(a) A casanova.
(b) A loser.
(c) A prince.
(d) A jerk.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator describe the way his lover responded when he told her he loved her?

2. The narrator questions at the end, "How can you go in with...$1000, and...come out with" (30) what?

3. The narrator describes staring at the impending pain from an affair in a window and saying what?

4. As the narrator was leaving they stood close together looking at what?

5. What do the "little questions" (26) the narrator begins to ask himself begin to do to him, as described in the text?

(see the answer keys)

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