Brazzaville Beach Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brazzaville Beach Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Jenny Lewkovitch?
(a) John's lover.
(b) Another researcher.
(c) A college instructor.
(d) Hope's landlady.

2. Why does Hope's husband tell her he dug a ditch?
(a) To ease writer's block.
(b) To build muscle.
(c) To move his mind forward.
(d) To promote better water drainage.

3. Why was the chimp research project started?
(a) It was a government project.
(b) Because the researcher was an eccentric old fool.
(c) To complete a dissertation.
(d) Because funding was available.

4. What does someone want to purchase from a Syrian friend?
(a) A zoo.
(b) A run down beach cottage.
(c) A car.
(d) A five star hotel.

5. Who is the research project's director?
(a) Mallabar.
(b) Hope.
(c) Vail.
(d) Clovis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who believes a dominant female actually heads the chimp group?

2. When does the observer expect problems within the northern group of chimps?

3. According to the prologue, how many stories will Hope tell?

4. Who left to be with Clovis?

5. Who gives the nearby river a name?

Short Essay Questions

1. What, according to Ian's theory, will happen when all the northern female chimps become pregnant? What is the problem he expects?

2. What is Hauser's work?

3. What disconcerting event happens when Hope and John take a short holiday together?

4. Hope agrees not to tell anyone her discoveries about the chimps for fear of being fired. What does she decide to do with the information?

5. How does Ian relate to Mallibar when he disagrees with Vail's theory about the chimps?

6. What is the importance of Fermat's final theorem to this story?

7. What is the theory that Hope explains to Ian about the war among the chimps?

8. How does Hope meet John?

9. How does John react when Hope confronts him about his behavior at the lake?

10. What makes Hope question the validity of Mallabar's explanation for her hut burning down?

(see the answer keys)

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