Brave New World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brave New World Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does John call the director when he sees him for the first time?
(a) Director
(b) Father
(c) DHC
(d) Dad

2. Where does the director ask Bernard to meet him?
(a) Fertilizing room
(b) Conditioning room
(c) Nurseries
(d) Embryo store

3. Which of the following characters do the police not take away after the riot at the soma distribution line?
(a) Linda
(b) Bernard
(c) John
(d) Helmholtz

4. What happened to the DHC after John fell to his knees and called him father?
(a) He resigned
(b) He attacked Bernard
(c) He took John into his home
(d) He was promoted

5. In what name did John throw out the soma?
(a) Linda
(b) Life
(c) Death
(d) Liberty

6. According to the director, what has Bernard attacked?
(a) An individual
(b) Society itself
(c) Henry Foster
(d) The DHC

7. What does John talk about which horrifies Lenina?
(a) Pregnancy
(b) Soma
(c) Monogamy
(d) Marriage

8. What do the people who come to stare at John chant they want to see?
(a) Violence
(b) Whipping stunt
(c) Bow and arrow
(d) Savage

9. Who does Henry Foster tell that the DHC had been on the verge of transferring Bernard to Iceland?
(a) John
(b) Lenina
(c) Head mistress of Eton
(d) Arch-Community-Songster

10. Where does the director propose Bernard should be transfered?
(a) The savage reservation
(b) The creamatorium
(c) Sub-Centre far from any centre of population
(d) Santa Fe

11. Where does John move?
(a) Bernard's apartment
(b) An old lighthouse
(c) An island alone
(d) The reservation

12. Which of the following has not been described by the controller as something that has paid a high price for happiness?
(a) Love
(b) God
(c) Science
(d) Art

13. Why does the director choose this area for the meet?
(a) It is an area Bernard is afraid of
(b) It is the closest
(c) It is where he works himself
(d) It has the most high-caste workers

14. What causes Helmholtz to become a marked man?
(a) His friendship with the savage
(b) His friendship with Bernard
(c) A lecture with rhymes on solitude
(d) A lecture on the savage

15. What do John, Helmholtz and Bernard often do together?
(a) Make fun of others
(b) Take soma
(c) Read from Shakespeare
(d) Write poetry

Short Answer Questions

1. Why wouldn't the controller allow John to go with Bernard and Helmholtz?

2. Which of the following ideas from Romeo and Juliet did Helmhotz find very obscene?

3. How does the nurse distract the twins while John is by his dead mother's bed?

4. What does John do with the pillboxes filled with soma?

5. Which of the following is not a treatment suggested to Lenina to overcome her growing saddness?

(see the answer keys)

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