Brave New World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brave New World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bernard want Helmholtz to go by his home?
(a) To check on his apartment
(b) To turn off the tap of eau de cologne
(c) To check on the director's plan to send him to Iceland
(d) To pack his things so he can move to the reservation

2. Which of the following is not an accurate descriptor for the figures who test the embryos for sex in the embryo store?
(a) Alphas
(b) Coral teeth
(c) Symptoms of lupus
(d) Purple eyes

3. Which word(s) best describes how John feels on the reservation?
(a) Satisfied
(b) In love
(c) Happy
(d) Lonely

4. Where do Lenina and Bernard plan to go?
(a) New Mexico
(b) Russia
(c) Italy
(d) Detroit

5. Which of the following was a little boy of Polish speaking parents who lived with "Our Ford" while still on earth?
(a) Reuben Rabinovich
(b) The Director
(c) Ivan Pavlov
(d) Mustapha Mond

6. What does John's mother call the people she has been living with?
(a) Lunatics
(b) Friends
(c) Lovers
(d) Savages

7. Who do the necessary orders sent to to permit Linda and John to return to the 'other place?
(a) World controller's office
(b) Bernard
(c) Warden
(d) Director

8. Our Ford represents who?
(a) Adolf Ford
(b) Henry Ford
(c) Albus Ford
(d) Herbert Ford

9. Which of the following does NOT describe Helmholtz Watson?
(a) Lecturer
(b) Emotional engineer
(c) Highly intelligent
(d) Unattractive

10. Where did Lenina and Bernard finally go on their first date?
(a) Savage reservation visit
(b) Women's heavyweight wrestling championship
(c) DHC tour
(d) Swimming

11. What is recovered from every corpse?
(a) Energy
(b) Ovas
(c) Milk
(d) Phosphorus

12. Why are the masses conditioned to hate the country but love all country sports?
(a) It is not economical
(b) It requires them to consume more
(c) Lower castes cannot waste time in the country
(d) Love of nature is gratuitous

13. Which of the following is not a descriptive term the Controller uses to describe home?
(a) Obscene relationships
(b) Rabble of children
(c) Unemotional
(d) Stifling rooms

14. Why is Bernard permitted to visit the Savage Reservation?
(a) His job requires him to be there daily
(b) He is an alpha plus psychologist
(c) The director has ordered him to go there
(d) Lenina requests to go there

15. What does the abbreviation D.H.C. stand for?
(a) Dispatching Hatcheries and Conditions
(b) Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning
(c) Director of Hatching and Conditions
(d) Dispatching Hatching and Conditions

Short Answer Questions

1. From which play does John quote while he watches Lenina sleep?

2. What makes John rush outside after watching Lenina sleep for awhile?

3. In what way does Henry say that everyone is equal?

4. What does the Controller say that 'Our Ford' called himself whenever he was speaking of psychology?

5. What happens when John tried to join in the ceremonies?

(see the answer keys)

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