Brave Companions Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Brave Companions Test | Final Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the timeframe for the subject?
(a) Mid-1920s
(b) Mid-1940s
(c) Mid-1960s
(d) Mid-1820s

2. Who does the United States displace as the center of world power during this period?
(a) Africa
(b) Europe
(c) Asia
(d) Australia

3. How many aviators die attempting to cross the Atlantic before Charles Lindbergh, Jr.?
(a) 7
(b) 6
(c) 16
(d) 3

4. Where does Richter do most of his writing?
(a) The library
(b) The barn
(c) The seashore
(d) The dining room table

5. Vocabulary and _________________ are particularly important to Richter's writing.
(a) phraseology
(b) humor
(c) verb tense
(d) irony

6. Which of the following is not a reason why strip mining is so popular?
(a) It creates no psychological fear
(b) It is safer than working underground
(c) It doesn't take as long
(d) It takes fewer men

7. What major award did Richter win in 1951?
(a) The Nobel Prize
(b) The Pulitzer Prize
(c) The Academy Award
(d) The National Book Award

8. What is David Plowden's profession?
(a) Photographer
(b) Naturalist
(c) Physician
(d) Journalist

9. Why is Miriam's wealthy Uncle Walter almost always in debt?
(a) He is building a world-class butterfly collection
(b) He can't stop buying houses
(c) He gives away yachts to friends
(d) He is an unparalleled philanthropist

10. What is the main profession of most Rothschild men?
(a) Law
(b) Education
(c) Politics
(d) Finance

11. Lindbergh is drawn to the Masai people's ________________.
(a) art
(b) food
(c) culture
(d) kinship with nature

12. What is Conrad Richter's first novel?
(a) Seasons of Love
(b) The Sea of Grass
(c) Seaside Serenade
(d) The Sea Has No Secrets

13. For what publication does Richter write during The Great Depression?
(a) Life Magazine
(b) The Saturday Evening Post
(c) Look Magazine
(d) The Reader's Digest

14. What does McCullough advise people to limit in their lives?
(a) Swearing
(b) Television
(c) Gossiping
(d) Shopping

15. Which Civil War battle accounts for the bloodiest day in American history?
(a) Antietam
(b) Vicksburg
(c) Gettysburg
(d) Bull Run

Short Answer Questions

1. This time period is marked by both horror and ______________.

2. What is the name of the building where presidential guests are housed?

3. What are "Grim's Garden Spots?"

4. In what year is Miriam born?

5. What is mined in the state in the answer to #122?

(see the answer keys)

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