Brave Companions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Brave Companions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David McCullough
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. People find Remington to be full of high spirits and _________________.
(a) tall tales
(b) charity
(c) intelligence
(d) cruelty

2. What position is created for Agassiz in America?
(a) President of Yale
(b) Assistant to Darwin
(c) Chair of Natural History at Harvard
(d) The President's Council on Ecology

3. What is the name of Humboldt's last book geared toward nonscientific readers?
(a) Star Trek
(b) The Galaxy
(c) Cosmos
(d) Galatial Odysseus

4. What was the impetus for the railroad?
(a) Ship military implements for the Civil War
(b) Ship California produce to the East coast
(c) Connect East coast gold seekers with California
(d) A passenger train for vacationers

5. Where does Theodore Roosevelt spend his time in this chapter?
(a) Mojave Desert
(b) Florida swamps
(c) Appalachian Mountains
(d) Dakota Badlands

6. Who sells the idea for the project to civic leaders in 1882?
(a) Frederic Remington
(b) Washington Roebling
(c) U.S. Grant
(d) John Roebling

7. Of what does John Roebling die?
(a) Tetanus
(b) Cancer
(c) Old age
(d) Heart disease

8. How many children does Harriet have?
(a) 3
(b) 5
(c) 7
(d) 2

9. According to Remington, "Cowboys are ______________."
(a) dirty
(b) cash
(c) interesting
(d) illiterate

10. Who takes over the project when John Roebling dies?
(a) Richard Remington
(b) Warner Roebling
(c) U.S. Grant
(d) Washington Roebling

11. What are the found treasures?
(a) Buried coins
(b) Legal documents
(c) Letters
(d) Blueprints and drawings

12. What life does Harriet come to like?
(a) Education
(b) Religious life
(c) Domestic life
(d) The lecture circuit

(a) Brilliant
(b) Atheism
(c) Overrated
(d) Inaccurate

14. Who is Valentine's neighbor who works for the Whitney Museum of Modern Art?
(a) David McCullough
(b) David Copperfield
(c) Michael Hupert
(d) David Hupert

15. When does a show exhibiting the documents open in New York?
(a) May 1876
(b) May 1976
(c) April 1975
(d) March 1976

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mores crusade against when he returns to France?

2. Humboldt is the first European to ___________________________________.

3. Humboldt is one of the earliest _________________.

4. How many documents does Valentine find?

5. What does Agassiz turn into a temporary museum filled with his new collection of specimens?

(see the answer keys)

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