Brain on Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Brain on Fire Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 32, what did Dr. Najjar plan to use to reduce the inflammation in Susannah's body?
(a) Plasmapheresis.
(b) Antibiotics.
(c) IVIG.
(d) Steroids.

2. In Chapter 30, how many fruits and vegetables could a normal person name in one minute?
(a) Over 20.
(b) 25.
(c) About 15.
(d) 35.

3. In Chapter 23, what doctor joined Susannah's team after Dr. Siegel was no longer her doctor?
(a) Dr. Najjar.
(b) Dr. Kahn.
(c) Dr. Arslan.
(d) Dr. Friedman.

4. In Chapter 36, how old was Stephen's nephew, Aiden?
(a) 8.
(b) 6.
(c) 5.
(d) 7.

5. In Chpater 21, what did Stephen compare the atmosphere in the hospital to?
(a) Cemetery.
(b) Atlantic City.
(c) Las Vegas.
(d) School playground.

6. In Chapter 24, how much younger did Susannah say that her brother James was than she was?
(a) 2 years.
(b) 5 years.
(c) 3 years.
(d) 4 years.

7. In Chapter 36, what leftovers did Susannah remember that Stephen brought from his family's Easter dinner when she was in the hospital?
(a) Lamb.
(b) Turkey.
(c) Ham.
(d) Beef roast.

8. In Chapter 30, how many fruits and vegetables could Susannah name in 1 minute?
(a) 28.
(b) 16.
(c) 5.
(d) 11.

9. In Chapter 37, where did James work?
(a) Restaurant.
(b) Fitness club.
(c) Library.
(d) Golf club.

10. What antiviral drug was Susannah given in Chapter 23?
(a) Acyclovir.
(b) Pegasys.
(c) Pegintron.
(d) Sylatron.

11. In Chapter 31, what game was Susannah's dad trying to get her to play?
(a) War.
(b) Gin rummy.
(c) Crazy eights.
(d) Poker.

12. In Chapter 24, where was James going to college?
(a) Boston.
(b) Pittsburgh.
(c) Denver.
(d) Chicago.

13. In Chapter 37, what movie did Susannah watch with James and Hannah?
(a) Blue Velvet.
(b) Wild at Heart.
(c) Inland Empire.
(d) Twin Peaks.

14. In Chapter 36, what was Susannah wearing at the end of the chapter when she saw her brother?
(a) Tights and long knit top.
(b) Black tent dress.
(c) Jeans and baggy sweatshirt.
(d) Jeans and T-shirt.

15. In Chapter 36, when did Susannah first remember meeting Stephen's sister Rachael?
(a) November.
(b) September.
(c) December.
(d) October.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 27, how long did the brain biopsy take?

2. In Chapter 32, how long did it take a dermatologist to conduct a full-body skin exam of Susannah to check for melanoma?

3. At the end of Chapter 32, when was Susannah scheduled to see Dr. Najjar?

4. In Chapter 26, what did Susannah's father bring her on Easter?

5. In Chapter 39, how much time would Susannah's mother take each week to portion out Susannah's pills?

(see the answer keys)

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