Braiding Sweetgrass Test | Final Test - Easy

Robin Wall Kimmerer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Braiding Sweetgrass Test | Final Test - Easy

Robin Wall Kimmerer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was the great teacher of Anishinaabe lore that over-fished a lake, according to the story related by the author in "The Honorable Harvest"?
(a) Puhpowee.
(b) Nanabozho.
(c) Makaks.
(d) Yawe.

2. What is the "fragile layer of cells that lies between the bark and the newest wood" on a tree called (172)?
(a) The hilum.
(b) The milium.
(c) The cambium.
(d) The rhizoibum.

3. How many growth rings does John Pigeon prefer for a black ash tree for basket making?
(a) 30-40.
(b) 20-30.
(c) 10-20.
(d) 40-50.

4. The author describes a lichen in "Umbilicaria: The Belly Button of the World" as being not one being but two. What are these beings?
(a) A plant and an animal.
(b) A plant and an alga.
(c) A fungus and a plant.
(d) A fungus and an alga.

5. What was the name of the author's grandfather?
(a) Asa Wall.
(b) Oren Lyons.
(c) Lewis Hyde.
(d) Bruce King.

6. What is the name of the process in a bean shoot in which the vine inscribes a circle in the air?
(a) Nuphar lutea.
(b) Eutrophication.
(c) Amylase.
(d) Circumnutation.

7. What grew from Skywoman's daughter's head when she was buried in the earth, according to the author in "Epiphany in the Beans"?
(a) Onions.
(b) Wild strawberries.
(c) Tobacco.
(d) Sweetgrass.

8. In what type of environment do black ash trees thrive?
(a) Desert plains.
(b) High desert sierras.
(c) Swamps.
(d) Mountain forests.

9. What did Laurie's finding show happened with harvested sweetgrass in her graduate thesis?
(a) Harvesting by snapping leaves harms production.
(b) Harvested sweetgrass does not flourish.
(c) Harvested sweetgrass thrives well.
(d) Harvesting by root-pulling destroys sweetgrass populations.

10. To what clan is Tom Porter a member, according to the author in "Putting Down Roots"?
(a) The Wolf Clan.
(b) The Bear Clan.
(c) The Buffalo Clan.
(d) The Lion Clan.

11. What percentage of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas?
(a) 89%.
(b) 78%.
(c) 45%.
(d) 56%.

12. What is the author's people's word for cedar?
(a) Makaks.
(b) Zhawanong.
(c) Puhpowee.
(d) Kizhig.

13. Who wrote The Mishomis Book?
(a) Bruce King.
(b) Awiakta.
(c) Tom Touchet.
(d) Eddie Benton-Banais.

14. What bacteria is referred to as "the nitrogen fixers" among bean roots in "The Three Sisters"?
(a) Nuphar lutea.
(b) Amylase.
(c) Rhizoibum.
(d) Mycorrhizae.

15. What is the scientific name of the black ash tree?
(a) Carya illinoensis.
(b) Fraxinus nigra.
(c) Nuphar lutea.
(d) Solidago canadensis.

Short Answer Questions

1. What were the three seeds in the corn leaf pouch that were given to the author in "The Three Sisters"?

2. What does the second row represent in the author's metaphor for basket weaving in "Wisgaak Gokpenagen: A Black Ash Basket"?

3. What song did the author's pre-med students begin singing as they departed camp in "The Sound of Silverbells"?

4. What does the author describe the granite as in the Adirondack landscape in "Umbilicaria: The Belly Button of the World"?

5. The author states in "Epiphany in the Beans," "In a garden, food arises from" what (151)?

(see the answer keys)

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