Braiding Sweetgrass Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin Wall Kimmerer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Braiding Sweetgrass Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Robin Wall Kimmerer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did the author go kayaking after seeing off her youngest daughter to college in "The Consolation of Water Lilies"?
(a) Williams Pond.
(b) Kacamo Pond.
(c) Labrador Pond.
(d) Lewiston Pond.

2. What were the birch bark boxes that the author's ancestors carried sugar made from sap in called?
(a) Wiingaashk.
(b) Makaks.
(c) Puhpowee.
(d) Ode'mini-giizis.

3. What is the scientific name for the pecan hickory tree?
(a) Mycorrhizae.
(b) Pharmacopoeia.
(c) Hierochloe odorata.
(d) Carya illinoensis.

4. When is the time for storytelling, according to the author in "Skywoman Falling"?
(a) Winter.
(b) Fall.
(c) Spring.
(d) Summer.

5. What is the name of the Strawberry Moon in the author's people's language?
(a) Ode'mini-giizis.
(b) Yawe.
(c) Wiingaashk.
(d) Puhpowee.

6. What is the scientific name for sweetgrass?
(a) Solidago canadensis.
(b) Mycorrhizae.
(c) Pharmacopoeia.
(d) Hierochloe odorata.

7. For how long does the author say the commodity economy has been here on Turtle Island in "The Gift of Strawberries"?
(a) 600 years.
(b) 200 years.
(c) 400 years.
(d) 100 years.

8. What is the scientific name for the yellow water-lily?
(a) Nuphar lutea.
(b) Amylase.
(c) Solidago canadensis.
(d) Carya illinoensis.

9. Who was Hazel's husband?
(a) James.
(b) Andrew.
(c) Rowley.
(d) Robert.

10. What does the author say she should call it when writers go walking the forests and fields looking for plants in "Asters and Goldenrod"?
(a) An arboreal gathering.
(b) A metaphoray.
(c) An arboreal understanding.
(d) A musing.

11. According to the author in "A Mother's Work," Onondaga Lake has a reputation for being one of the most what lakes in the country?
(a) Polluted.
(b) Pristine.
(c) Algae-ridden.
(d) Fish-filled.

12. What are the light-absorbing pigments in the photosensors in Maple buds called?
(a) Juglandaceae.
(b) Mycorrhizae.
(c) Hierochloe odorata.
(d) Phytochromes.

13. What is the scientific family that comprises butternuts, black walnuts, hickories, and pecans?
(a) Juglandaceae.
(b) Pharmacopoeia.
(c) Hierochloe odorata.
(d) Carya illinoensis.

14. What kind of food did the author's pet ducks take to in the winter, according to her narrative in "A Mother's Work"?
(a) Dog food.
(b) Chicken food.
(c) Cat food.
(d) Pig food.

15. What is the address called that the children recite at the Onondaga school described by the author in "Allegiance to Gratitude"?
(a) The Earth Mother Salutation.
(b) The Pledge of Allegiance.
(c) The Thanksgiving Address.
(d) The Gratitude Salute.

Short Answer Questions

1. The author states in "Skywoman Falling," "The Skywoman story, shared by the original peoples throughout the Great Lakes, is a constant star in the constellation of teachings we call" what (16)?

2. What is said to be a "radical proposition" in a consumer society in "Allegiance to Gratitude" (136)?

3. Where did the author live while in graduate school?

4. Where did the author grow up?

5. What is the scientific name for goldenrod?

(see the answer keys)

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