Braiding Sweetgrass Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Robin Wall Kimmerer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Braiding Sweetgrass Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Robin Wall Kimmerer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Braiding Sweetgrass.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who wrote the book Grandmothers of the Light?
(a) Thomas Berry.
(b) Johann Goethe.
(c) Paula Gunn Allen.
(d) Bruce King.

2. What is the address called that the children recite at the Onondaga school described by the author in "Allegiance to Gratitude"?
(a) The Gratitude Salute.
(b) The Thanksgiving Address.
(c) The Pledge of Allegiance.
(d) The Earth Mother Salutation.

3. What did the Mohawk call themselves, meaning "People of the Flint" (304)?
(a) Zizibaskwet Giizis.
(b) Zhawanong.
(c) Wabunong.
(d) Kanienkeha.

4. Beginning in what year did the U.S. Forest Service and partner organizations led by Oregon State University initiate a restoration project for the estuary at the Salmon River in Oregon?
(a) 1990.
(b) 1982.
(c) 1945.
(d) 1976.

5. What is the Anishinaabe new year, or Maple Sugar Moon called, among the author's people?
(a) The Nanabozho.
(b) The Ode'mini-giizis.
(c) The Zizibaskwet Giizis.
(d) The Wiingaashk.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the process in a bean shoot in which the vine inscribes a circle in the air?

2. What is left as a reciprocating gift when an ash tree is chosen to be cut down by the author's native people?

3. On how many acres did the home sit that the author fell in love with in upstate New York in "A Mother's Work"?

4. What is the "fragile layer of cells that lies between the bark and the newest wood" on a tree called (172)?

5. What is described in maple trees as "the enzyme responsible for cleaving large molecules of starch stored in the roots into small molecules of sugar" (85)?

(see the answer key)

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