The Boys in the Band Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Boys in the Band Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Michael react to Donald's idea that Justin could have lied about Alan's sexuality?
(a) He shrugs it off.
(b) He just laughs.
(c) He explodes in anger.
(d) He cries for a few minutes.

2. What is Michael's position on playing more games this evening?
(a) He is tired of games for tonight.
(b) He'll play all night if anyone else wants to.
(c) He'll play one more and that's it.
(d) He is up for a couple more games.

3. What is Harold doing as Act 2 begins?
(a) Crying.
(b) Laughing.
(c) Eating.
(d) Pouting.

4. Who makes an accusation toward Harold?
(a) Larry.
(b) Michael.
(c) Hank.
(d) Cowboy.

5. What does Michael tell Donald to do before he leaves?
(a) Take out the trash.
(b) Set the alarm.
(c) Turn off the lights.
(d) Check the stove.

6. Who is Peter Dahlbeck?
(a) Bernard's neighbor.
(b) The son of the woman for whom Bernard's mother works.
(c) Bernard's boss.
(d) The brother of Bernard's boss.

7. What phone number does Hank dial next?
(a) Larry's cell phone.
(b) Larry's work number.
(c) The second line in Michael's apartment.
(d) Larry's home phone.

8. What is the tone of conversation at dinner?
(a) Sullen.
(b) Insulting.
(c) Strained.
(d) Festive.

9. What does Harold think will make Michael happier?
(a) Making more money.
(b) Buying a new car.
(c) Pursuing an authentic homosexual lifestyle.
(d) Getting a new lover.

10. What does Michael do after most of the guests leave?
(a) Watches TV.
(b) Clears the party dishes.
(c) Cries in a Kleenex.
(d) Drops to his knees and moans.

11. Michael dares Alan to call whom?
(a) Jarrod.
(b) James.
(c) Jack.
(d) Justin.

12. Who leaves the party with Emory?
(a) Dane.
(b) Larry.
(c) Bernard.
(d) Hank.

13. Which of the following is not a cause of Harold's low self esteem?
(a) His high salary.
(b) His having adult acne.
(c) His being Jewish.
(d) His being gay.

14. Harold says that Michael hates _________________.
(a) Inappropriately.
(b) With a passion.
(c) The color purple.
(d) People who are late.

15. Where is Harold encouraged to sit after dinner?
(a) The loveseat.
(b) The sofa.
(c) The futon.
(d) The bar stool.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Bernard feel after making the phone call?q

2. Harold is accused of _________________.

3. What does Harold do after dinner?

4. What does Michael suggest the men do when the dancing is halted?

5. Donald thinks that Michael's ______________ is better than it used to be.

(see the answer keys)

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