A Boy and His Dog Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Boy and His Dog Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the first chapter, what does Blood's first meal consist of?
(a) A dead rabbit and some worms.
(b) A mutated water rat and a poodle.
(c) Radioactive canned meat.
(d) A severed human head.

2. At the end of chapter five, where is the Roverpak?
(a) Fighting Vic and Blood.
(b) They have left.
(c) They have gone to Topeka.
(d) They are outside the building.

3. What can be deduced from Vic's reaction when the Roverpak shows up?
(a) It would have been better if he had acted more peacefully.
(b) He was caught totally off guard.
(c) He has never seen a Roverpak.
(d) He has had fights with Roverpaks before.

4. What behavior makes Blood suspicious about Quilla June?
(a) She talks about love sleeps with Vic.
(b) She says the Roverpak was a joke and wants to stay.
(c) She is in a really happy mood and does not want to leave.
(d) She questions Blood's advice.

5. What can we tell about Blood from his and Vic's communications?
(a) He is not so bright.
(b) He is highly intelligent.
(c) He is a very lazy dog.
(d) He is a typical dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news does Blood not want to hear from Vic?

2. Where do the sterile adults live in Vic and Blood's world?

3. What happens to Blood when the Roverpak comes?

4. When Vic asks Blood why he doesn't like Quilla June, what does he communicate?

5. What is the "chick's" name?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Vic follow the "chick" out of the theater?

2. What evidence leads you to believe that Vic might have killed Quilla June and that she didn't just leave on her own?

3. The titles of movies playing in the theater are either full of violence or sex. Why is this?

4. What do the people in Topeka do to keep busy?

5. How is the underground city quite different from the surface?

6. Why does Blood stay on the surface and not follow Vic downunder?

7. How does the underground city make Vic feel?

8. Why were dogs like Blood created?

9. What characteristic of the city is the hardest for Vic to deal with?

10. Why does Vic take his weapon away from Quilla June when she is shooting at the mob?

(see the answer keys)

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