A Boy and His Dog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Boy and His Dog Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In chapter five, the state of Texas is?
(a) Not mentioned.
(b) A large city-state.
(c) A place that has survived a nuclear attack.
(d) A "downunder" city.

2. What happens in chapter four?
(a) A love scene.
(b) A battle scene.
(c) A sex scene.
(d) A chase scene.

3. What could Vic not have been able to do without Blood?
(a) Find food.
(b) Travel so safely.
(c) Have companionship.
(d) Find the girl.

4. At the end of chapter three, what is one thing the reader really wants to know?
(a) What the roverpak will do next.
(b) Where Blood is.
(c) What the girl's name is.
(d) How Vic can read.

5. What is the "chick's" name?
(a) Kendra Gale Holmes.
(b) Cynthia Victoria Quilla.
(c) Lew Victoria Holmes.
(d) Quilla June Holmes.

6. When Vic finds the chick from the theater, what is she doing?
(a) Using the bathroom.
(b) Loading her gun.
(c) Eating food.
(d) Changing clothes.

7. Where does Quilla June come from?
(a) Kansas City.
(b) Texas.
(c) Oklahoma.
(d) Topeka.

8. Where is Quilla June at the end of chapter five?
(a) She has run away.
(b) In the Boiler room.
(c) Under the fungus green stone pit burner.
(d) Captured by screamers.

9. In "A Boy and his Dog," World War IV broke out and lasted how long?
(a) Four hours.
(b) Five days.
(c) Three weeks.
(d) Seven years.

10. What is Vic's primary concern in chapter three?
(a) Finding out the girl's name.
(b) Having sex with the girl.
(c) Helping Blood find food.
(d) Finding out where the girl is from.

11. What do you suppose the Roverpak wants from Vic and Blood?
(a) A fight.
(b) Food.
(c) More good movies.
(d) Quilla June.

12. What can be deduced from Vic's reaction when the Roverpak shows up?
(a) He was caught totally off guard.
(b) He has never seen a Roverpak.
(c) He has had fights with Roverpaks before.
(d) It would have been better if he had acted more peacefully.

13. What makes Blood a special dog?
(a) He is a screamer.
(b) He can talk.
(c) He can fire a gun.
(d) He is telepathic.

14. Blood calls his master another name to annoy him. That other name is?
(a) Vic.
(b) Lew.
(c) Albert.
(d) Screamer.

15. What would make the Roverpak happy?
(a) If they could just make peace with Vic and Blood.
(b) If all of Vic's party where dead but the girl.
(c) If they could just have the girl.
(d) If they could just have Blood.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news does Blood not want to hear from Vic?

2. In the first chapter, what does Blood's first meal consist of?

3. How old is Vic?

4. One gets the feeling that relationships in Vic's world are what?

5. In order to prevent the chick from the theater from escaping, what does Vic do?

(see the answer keys)

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