A Boy Called H Test | Final Test - Easy

Kappa Senoh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Boy Called H Test | Final Test - Easy

Kappa Senoh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is worrying H in Chapter 47?
(a) The Senoh's financial situation.
(b) The thought that his situation will never improve.
(c) The presence of the occupational forces.
(d) H's own unstable emotions.

2. What does Morio use to replace the sewing machine's belt?
(a) A leather belt.
(b) Rope.
(c) An old bicycle tire.
(d) A rubber band.

3. What does H do at his new job?
(a) Paints houses.
(b) Designs uniforms.
(c) Paints signs.
(d) Draws portraits.

4. Where does Hayashi and his family evacuate to?
(a) Fukuoka.
(b) Osaka.
(c) Nagoya.
(d) Toyooka.

5. Why isn't H allowed into the hospital?
(a) There have been complaints about H.
(b) Patients and black marketeers have been trading goods.
(c) Visiting hours are over.
(d) There has been an influenza outbreak.

6. What does Ishizuka's father give H before they leave?
(a) A bag of rice.
(b) A pocket watch.
(c) Some old books and a bicycle.
(d) A comic about WW1

7. What does H believe he sees circling above the ruins of his home?
(a) Dragonflies.
(b) Ashes
(c) White doves.
(d) White butterflies.

8. How does H feel about living at the Church?
(a) H feels inspired.
(b) H feels at home.
(c) H feels lucky.
(d) H feels uneasy and uncomfortable.

9. What does H plan to do at the "Hold on Bridge?"
(a) Watch the sunset.
(b) Commit suicide.
(c) Fish.
(d) Meet George.

10. How can H's family hear what the family next door says?
(a) H's family listens through an open window.
(b) The Senoh's apartment is very quiet.
(c) The neighbors speak loudly.
(d) The walls are thin.

11. What declaration is presented to Japan by the Americans?
(a) The Potsdam Declaration.
(b) The Truman Declaration.
(c) The Roosevelt Declaration.
(d) The Versailles Declaration.

12. Why is Toshiko distant when H comes to visit in Chapter 48?
(a) Toshiko is embarassed by her behavior.
(b) Toshiko is afraid that H will become violent again.
(c) Toshiko is still angry with H.
(d) Toshiko feels H has betrayed her.

13. Why doesn't Sugita want the rifles given to the Americans?
(a) The rifles are valuable.
(b) Sugita wants to keep them as souvenirs of the war.
(c) The Americans will use them against the Japanese.
(d) The rifles are a symbol of the rifle club.

14. What one item do H and Toshiko take with them from their burning home?
(a) Morio's sewing machine.
(b) H's favorite book.
(c) Yoshiko's baby quilt.
(d) Toshiko's cook book.

15. What is Masaru Sayema obsessed with?
(a) Politics.
(b) American music.
(c) Women.
(d) Mahjongg.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does H realize about himself in chapter 48?

2. To whom do the boys compare Instructor Tamori?

3. Why is it suggested that Morio deserves a medal?

4. Where is Morio during the bombing?

5. Why does Mr. Kawano become angry with H?

(see the answer keys)

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