A Boy Called H Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Kappa Senoh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Boy Called H Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Kappa Senoh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9 | Chapter 10.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Kaneda leave?
(a) Kaneda is homesick and decides to return to Korea.
(b) Toshiko won't stop badgering Kaneda into accepting the "love of Christ."
(c) Kaneda is tired of being called a "Chosen" by everyone.
(d) Kaneda misunderstands Toshiko's intentions.

2. What does Toshiko do for the stranded bus passengers during the flood?
(a) Toshiko brings coffee and biscuits to those waiting on the bus.
(b) Toshiko offers the female passengers a change of clothing.
(c) Toshiko invites them into her home until a new bus arrives.
(d) Toshiko reads the passengers a passage from the bible.

3. Why is H ashamed in front of Mitchan?
(a) Yoshiko has told Mitchan that H likes her.
(b) Mitchan sees H in his childish pajamas.
(c) Mitchan is rude to H.
(d) H is convinced that Mitchan has seen his map.

4. What puzzles H about his teacher?
(a) H's teacher never loses his temper.
(b) H's teacher is lazier than his students.
(c) H's teacher did not tell his mother about the lie he told.
(d) H's teacher gives him good grades no matter what.

5. Why does Toshiko want her children to learn how to use silverware?
(a) Silverware is easier to wash.
(b) Toshiko does not want her children to feel awkward when using cutlery.
(c) All of Toshiko's friends use silverware, and she wants to fit in.
(d) Silverware is more hygienic.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the owner of the noodle restaurant give H and his mother a free meal?

2. Where does H tell his parents he is going when he visits Noodles?

3. Why does Toshiko think that Shige-san is not qualified for the apprenticeship?

4. Why does H want to go to a doctor instead of a bone setter?

5. Why does H return to the gas station after reporting what he saw?

(see the answer key)

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