Boy Erased Test | Final Test - Hard

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boy Erased Test | Final Test - Hard

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the grounds of the campus chapel formerly occupy?

2. Why does Conley feel that people look at him while he is with Charles and Dominique?

3. Why does Conley's father draw a zigzag on his heel?

4. What does Conley ask his mother about alcoholism?

5. Where did Conley work when he was very young?

Short Essay Questions

1. What goes Conley's father say when asked if he will do everything in his power to fight against the sin of homosexuality in the church?

2. Who are some examples of converts in Christianity whom Conley discusses?

3. Why do Conley and his mother go to the Peabody Hotel?

4. What did Conley do as a child with the cotton modules?

5. Where does Dr. Julie tell Conley that he can move?

6. On what pretext does Conley's mother bring him to the doctor's office?

7. What is at the center of the stage of the church where Conley's father is to be ordained?

8. For what do Charles and Dominique have a scholarship to college?

9. What is the subject of Caleb's abstract painting?

10. What novel does Conley's mother read, at his suggestion?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The Bible is the touchstone text for the Christianity espoused by Conley's family and friends, as well as by Love In Action. Conley punctuates his narrative with verses taken from the Bible. Write an essay in which you describe how Conley uses Scripture in his narrative. In which contexts does he cite Scripture? Is he always citing it in the same way, or does he narrative approach change (i.e. among sincere, ironic, rhetorical, etc.). Describe how Conley uses Scripture within his memoir, citing evidence from the text as examples.

Essay Topic 2

Conley's homosexuality is among the primary themes of his memoir. Write an essay in which you describe Conley's reaction to his own homosexuality as well as homosexuality in general. When does he remember first thinking he was gay? How does he react to this realization? How does he feel about homosexuality in others? Does his attitude toward his own homosexuality change through the course of the text? Use evidence from the text to support your answers.

Essay Topic 3

Conley spends much time describing the Love In Action handbook. Write an essay describing the contents of this handbook, as well as Conley's reaction to these contents. Identify the handbook's major tenets or guiding principles, and try to determine Conleys' reactions to each. You might also consider whether Conley's reactions change over time. Use evidence based on the text.

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