Boy Erased Test | Final Test - Easy

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boy Erased Test | Final Test - Easy

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the weather like when Charles, Dominique, and Conley leave the movie theater?
(a) It is snowing.
(b) It is pouring rain.
(c) It his sunny and warm.
(d) There is a thick fog.

2. What is the first thing Conley's mother notices about the boy on the Love In Action brochure?
(a) His cheeks.
(b) His clothing.
(c) His eyes.
(d) His smile.

3. What does Conley say about the photographs from his last day at Love In Action?
(a) The photographs are the most embarrassing testament to this period of his life.
(b) The photographs are his most precious memories.
(c) These photographs help incriminate John Smid.
(d) There are no photographs of that day.

4. What does Conley's mother force him to eat on the way to Love In Action therapy?
(a) An Egg McMuffin.
(b) Waffles with whipped cream.
(c) A banana and peanut butter.
(d) Pancakes and real maple syrup.

5. Why does Conley's father draw a zigzag on his heel?
(a) So that he is not confused for another boy.
(b) So that he feels shame.
(c) Because he is drunk.
(d) To cast a spell.

6. How does Conley spend his 19th birthday?
(a) At home with his parents.
(b) At the movies with David.
(c) At a Love In Action activity.
(d) At a restaurant with Charles and Dominique.

7. Where does Conley go to walk at night?
(a) Walmart.
(b) A dirt road off campus.
(c) Around a pond on campus.
(d) The woods behind his dorm.

8. Whom does Conley visualize sitting in the Lie Chair?
(a) Chloe.
(b) His father.
(c) David.
(d) His mother.

9. Which is one of the works of literature that Conley is assigned to read?
(a) The Faerie Queene.
(b) War and Peace.
(c) The Last of the Mohicans.
(d) Wuthering Heights.

10. What does Conley consider the most beautiful part of the church?
(a) The carpet.
(b) The chandelier.
(c) The dove.
(d) The pews.

11. How long after his time at Love In Action does Conley interview his mother?
(a) 9 years.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 5 years.

12. What does Conley's mother suggest while at dinner with him?
(a) They go to a movie after dinner.
(b) They run away from his father forever.
(c) They go to Europe on a surprise trip.
(d) They film a "Preachers' Wives Gone Wild."

13. Where did Conley's parents go on New Year's Eve?
(a) The Adam's Mark Hotel.
(b) The Hilton.
(c) The movies.
(d) Memphis.

14. What did the grounds of the campus chapel formerly occupy?
(a) A sanitarium.
(b) A convent.
(c) A Masonic orphanage.
(d) A prison.

15. What are the areas designated appropriate for Love In Action participants?
(a) "Regulated Spaces."
(b) "Safe zones."
(c) "Comfort circles."
(d) "Sacred spaces."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Conley ask his mother about alcoholism?

2. What does Conley think about the zigzag on his heel?

3. Why do the others think Conley is nervous during the Lie Chair activity?

4. What does Caleb do that signals to Conley that he is dangerous?

5. What kind of car did Conley's father buy for him?

(see the answer keys)

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