Boy Erased Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boy Erased Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does TV suggest to Conley about homosexuality?
(a) That it is lonely.
(b) That it is a fun lifestyle.
(c) That it is freakish and unnatural.
(d) That it is likely to lead to drug use.

2. Which of the following was not an assumption of Love In Action's Moral Inventory?
(a) "We are constantly faced with various challenges in life."
(b) "We receive strength from God both to desire changes in our lives and to take action based on our goals to achieve these changes."
(c) "We experience the consequences of our decisions as a result of challenges."
(d) "Satan is responsible for homosexual urges."

3. How many pages are the Love In Action handbook?
(a) 150.
(b) 274.
(c) 500.
(d) 333.

4. What does Conley do instead of having sex with Chloe?
(a) He tells her he does not love her.
(b) He plays video games with Brandon.
(c) He runs back to his house.
(d) He tells her he is too scared.

5. What does the man to whom Conley speaks at the jail tell him?
(a) He cannot read.
(b) He is Muslim.
(c) He worships Satan.
(d) He does not believe in Jesus.

6. To which literary character does Conley liken himself?
(a) Hamlet's Horatio.
(b) The Tempest's Caliban.
(c) The Invisible Man.
(d) Dostoyevky's Underground Man.

7. What does the college pastor tell Conley about his rape by David?
(a) That telling others about it would only cause a scandal.
(b) That he does not believe Conley's accusation.
(c) That David raped many others.
(d) That he would be risking his life to accuse David.

8. What is Conley's mother's first impression about the Love In Action facility in the first chapter?
(a) That it has a beautiful exterior but a shabby interior.
(b) That it looks old-fashioned.
(c) That they could have afforded something better.
(d) That it is well-decorated but modest.

9. What does David challenge Conley to?
(a) A foot race.
(b) A game of poker.
(c) A game of chess.
(d) A game of Jeopardy.

10. Who is Conley's father's idol?
(a) Richard Simmons.
(b) Dr. Phil.
(c) Judge Judy.
(d) Billy Graham.

11. Who tells Conley in the first chapter that some are not cut out for reading Scripture?
(a) Brother Nielson.
(b) Conley's father.
(c) Brother Hank.
(d) Brother Tom.

12. What does J call Bible passages dealing with homosexuality?
(a) The way, the truth, and the life.
(b) The keys to the kingdom of heaven.
(c) Clobber passages.
(d) The light in the darkness.

13. What does Conley tell his father about David?
(a) He is a pagan.
(b) He is the devil incarnate.
(c) He is not a Christian.
(d) He goes to a Missionary Baptist church.

14. What does the female member of Conley's Love In Action group wear?
(a) A ballgown.
(b) A long denim skirt.
(c) A pantsuit.
(d) A mini skirt.

15. What does Smid tell the group regarding genograms?
(a) Trauma is linked to generational sin.
(b) Generation sin skips a generation.
(c) Generation sin is irrelevant to an individual.
(d) Generational sin is God's punishment.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Conley learn at his first day of Love In Action?

2. How does Conley imagine David's other rape victim?

3. What does Conley's father often say?

4. How does Conley feel at the prospect of abandoning his parents?

5. What does Conley say about waking at every sound when he talks with David?

(see the answer keys)

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