Boy Erased Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boy Erased Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Garrard Conley
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II, Chapter 11, "Self-Portrait" - Chapter 12, "June 16, 2004".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On which Biblical figure does Conley prepare a lesson?
(a) Job.
(b) Lot.
(c) Samson.
(d) Holofernes.

2. What does Conley not confess to his parents?
(a) That he has a new boyfriend.
(b) That he is bisexual, not homosexual.
(c) That he is not actually gay.
(d) That David raped him.

3. What is David reading during his first semester in college?
(a) Camus' book, The Stranger.
(b) Dostoyevky's book, Notes form the Underground.
(c) Heinlein's book, Stranger in a Strange Land.
(d) Kafka's book, Metamorphosis.

4. What is the name of Conley's father's family business?
(a) Caudill Brothers Gin.
(b) Arkansas Steaks.
(c) Southern Comfort Distillery.
(d) Arkansas Hotels.

5. What does Conley tell his father about people at college?
(a) His best friends are black.
(b) Most people are not that good.
(c) He has made many friends.
(d) His best friend his Caleb.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many pages are the Love In Action handbook?

2. Why does a fellow Love In Action participant criticize Conley when they are visiting the Lutheran Church?

3. Where do Charles, Dominique, and Conley go to eat after the movie?

4. What is the name Conley father used for any follower of Christ?

5. What does Conley do instead of having sex with Chloe?

(see the answer key)

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