The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the physician that is called to the scene in order to clean up the mess that was made?
(a) Ivan Jax
(b) Joseph Stryker
(c) Roger Trumant
(d) Morris Panov

2. What do the security guards help Bourne do in order to get into the compound?
(a) Steal the General's car
(b) Surround the property
(c) Open the front door
(d) Drug the guard dogs

3. Where is the ominous blood red name of Jason Bourne written during the murder or General Teagarten?
(a) Map
(b) Wall
(c) Photograph
(d) Tabletop

4. What is the name of the Vietnam era killer organization known only to a few?
(a) Martha
(b) Medusa
(c) Demeter
(d) Methusula

5. Who tells Armbruster all he knows about Jason Bourne?
(a) Stephen DeSole
(b) Morris Panov
(c) Bryce Ogilvie
(d) Alex Conklin

Short Answer Questions

1. What has been done to Morris Panov in order to make him talk during his captivity?

2. Carlos the Jackal is a ______ trained assassin who was dismissed from service because of his ruthlessness.

3. What does the bartender offer to Bourne when he wakes up from being unconscious?

4. What does Bourne remove from all of his new clothing in order to make it look less new?

5. Who insists that Bourne return to the United States in order to help capture Medusa?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the discovery that Carlos the Jackal makes about Jason Bourne?

2. Why can't John talk with Marie to warn her about possible danger?

3. Why does Bernadine remember who Marie is as Bourne is trying to find out where she might be in France?

4. Why Does Dr. Ivan Jax tell Bourne to lock and to seal the room containing the body of General Swayne?

5. What does the Law professor's wife see in the room when she pushes her husband's office door open a crack?

6. What do Alex Conklin and Peter Holland use as a threat against Nicolo Dellacroce in their interrogation?

7. What is the trademark that Carlos leaves on the beach, as seen by Bourne and Fontaigne?

8. Why has Morris Panov probably told his captors more than he would have liked to have told them?

9. What does the proven connection between the mafia and Medusa force the CIA to do?

10. Describe the character of Alexander Conklin.

(see the answer keys)

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