The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do others in the CIA refer to Jason Bourne as, even though they know little about him?
(a) Urban legend
(b) Best assassin
(c) Scumball killer
(d) World's greatest assassin

2. Gates reveals that he paid ____________ $15,000 to deliver the information that a woman and her two children had flown to Montserrat.
(a) Carlos the Jackal
(b) Bourne
(c) Prefontaigne
(d) Fontaigne

3. What is David Webb's wife's name?
(a) Megan
(b) Margo
(c) Mary
(d) Marie

4. Who is upset that David Webb has taken on the persona of Jason Bourne again?
(a) No one
(b) Dr. Panov
(c) Peter Holland
(d) Alex Conklin

5. What warns Bourne that the Jackal knows exactly where he is?
(a) Streak of infrared light
(b) A note
(c) A phone call
(d) A broken bottle in the doorway

Short Answer Questions

1. How many costume changes does Jason Bourne send for?

2. When the old French gentleman is done killing the woman and her two children, he is to write on the wall, "Jason Bourne, the _______ of the Jackal."

3. Who is Eddie escaping with, assuming that they get the help of Bourne to protect them?

4. Who were the actual kidnappers of Webb's family so many years ago?

5. What secret has the high powered attorney found out and used against Louis?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the character of Alexander Conklin.

2. What does Fontaigne suggest Bourne do in regards to the situation with Carlos the Jackal?

3. What is the trademark that Carlos leaves on the beach, as seen by Bourne and Fontaigne?

4. In whom does Bourne place his trust to keep Bourne's wife and two children safe from harm?

5. Why has Morris Panov probably told his captors more than he would have liked to have told them?

6. Who is the highly placed Wall Street attorney who gets a call on an unsecured line?

7. How is Bourne warned that the Jackal knows exactly where he is?

8. Fontaigne breaks into the room of Marie and the children, and what does he do then?

9. What does Bourne warn Alex he will do if things don't go his way?

10. What does the Law professor's wife see in the room when she pushes her husband's office door open a crack?

(see the answer keys)

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