The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Bourne Ultimatum Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who arranged for the release of Benjamin's mother from prison?
(a) No one
(b) Peter Holland
(c) Morris Panov
(d) Alex Conklin

2. Who agrees to help Bourne after accepting the money offered to him, which is then deposited into a secret Swiss bank account?
(a) Holland
(b) Conklin
(c) Krumpkin
(d) Panov

3. Pritchard and his uncle are interrogated by whom to find out the phone number the uncle called?
(a) Peter Holland
(b) Alex Conklin
(c) Jason Bourne
(d) Sir Henry Sykes

4. What kind of car takes the men away in order to fool the old man watching the apartment building?
(a) Black SUV
(b) Citroln
(c) Soviet embassy limousine
(d) Taxi

5. Moscow must now dissociate from the dealings with Carlos and with Medusa because of the __________ that took place to cover up economic crimes.
(a) Imports
(b) Murders
(c) Double crossing
(d) Exports

6. Krupkin reassures Bourne that ________________ is a very safe spot for his children.
(a) Terrastation
(b) Tannenbaum
(c) Langley
(d) Boston

7. Where does Jason Bourne land when he finally gets into Novgorod?
(a) Urban landscape
(b) Deep South
(c) Tropics
(d) Siberia

8. The contact of Carlos warned him 30 years ago that he was going to be liquidated by ___________.
(a) General Rodchenko
(b) Krupkin
(c) The KGB
(d) Jason Bourne

9. Despite acting like an American, the answer to #159 is completely loyal to ____________.
(a) Soviet ideology
(b) Carlos
(c) Germany
(d) French Foreign Legion

10. Carlos and Bourne are like two _____________ stalking each other, not caring who gets killed.
(a) Aging lions
(b) Renegades
(c) Assassins
(d) Boys

11. How many dead KGB officers are found at the entrance where Carlos must have gotten into Novgorod?
(a) 2
(b) 10
(c) 4
(d) 5

12. One of the four men in the world who had direct contact with Jackal is high up in the __________.
(a) United Nations
(b) Komitet
(c) Ministry
(d) Parliament

13. What does Jason Bourne accuse Morris Panov of being?
(a) A cheat
(b) A wimp
(c) The mole
(d) A member of the KGB

14. Where are David and Marie walking when Panov comes up to talk?
(a) The beach
(b) The armory
(c) Moscow
(d) Paris

15. The problem with just taking _____________ out is that the CIA wants to connect his activities with people high in the American government.
(a) Randolph Gates
(b) Bryce Ogilvie
(c) Peter Holland
(d) Jason Bourne

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Carlos use in order to recruit people for his new plans?

2. Jason realizes it was ________ that had hired the Mafia to come to kill him, not Carlos.

3. Bryce Ogilvie was told that ___________ had him under surveillance.

4. Sulikov arranges for Ogilvie and his family to escape. Where does the family escape to?

5. What do Bourne and the others view in order to gain information about their targets?

(see the answer keys)

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