Boule de Suif Test | Final Test - Easy

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Boule de Suif Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the tone Maupassant uses in describing the "good sisters" in the coach on their departure from Totes?
(a) Anxious.
(b) Sarcastic.
(c) Reverential.
(d) Calm.

2. As they discuss persuading Boule de Suif on the third day in Totes, how did the Count utter several "rather risky witticisms"?
(a) Loudly.
(b) Tactfully.
(c) Easily.
(d) Softly.

3. Why does the person who appears suddenly at the end of the street on the second day in Totes walk with in a peculiar motion with knees apart?
(a) So as not to soil their overcoat.
(b) So as not to soil their boots.
(c) So as not to appear defeated.
(d) So as not to appear bored.

4. Who is the "creature" the person is referring to in the coach from Totes?
(a) Boule de Suif.
(b) The Old Nun.
(c) Loiseau.
(d) Comtess de Breville.

5. What kind of cheese does Comtess de Breville take out in the coach on their departure from Totes?
(a) Parmesan.
(b) Brie.
(c) Cheddar.
(d) Gruyere.

6. As the passengers talk about the Prussian officer, why does Madame Loiseau claim that Boule de Suif does not have the right to refuse him?
(a) Because of her trade as a prostitute.
(b) Because she insulted her on their walk.
(c) Because she can't pay her fare for the coach.
(d) Because she is in love with her husband.

7. During their trip from Totes, what does Cornudet remove from his loose overcoat in the coach?
(a) Fruit and bread.
(b) Hard-boiled eggs and bread.
(c) Wine and bread.
(d) Hard-boiled eggs and fruit.

8. Whose "vulgar temperament broke bounds" after Monsieur Follenvie returned from the Prussian officer's room on the third day in Totes?
(a) Madame Carre-Lamadon.
(b) Boule de Suif.
(c) Madame Loiseau.
(d) Comtess de Breville.

9. When Boule de Suif arrives at the coach for their departure from Totes, how does Madame Carre-Lamadon respond to her greeting?
(a) With an abrupt embrace and look of restrained gallantry.
(b) With a insolent nod and look of outraged virtue.
(c) With a cool handshake and look of graceful humility.
(d) With a warm smile and look of excessive gratitude.

10. Who "remained apart from the rest, taking no share in the plot" of persuading Boule de Suif to sleep with the Prussian.
(a) Comte de Breville.
(b) Monsieur Follenvie.
(c) Cornudet.
(d) Loiseau.

11. According to the passengers during lunch the second day of Totes, what step would have been of "little consequence" to Boule de Suif?
(a) If she had sought out the Prussian.
(b) If she had not sought out the innkeeper.
(c) If she had not sought out the Prussian.
(d) If she had sought out the innkeeper.

12. Who is the first person to notice that Boule de Suif is weeping in the coach from Totes?
(a) Cornudet.
(b) Comtess de Breville.
(c) Loiseau.
(d) Comte de Breville.

13. What efforts at self-control does Boule de Suif attempt to do in the coach on their trip from Totes?
(a) Draw herself up; unclasp her hands.
(b) Swallow her sobs; close her eyes.
(c) Swallow her sobs; pull on a blanket.
(d) Draw herself up; swallow her sobs.

14. As the passenger drew together to make their course of action to persuade Boule de Suif on the third day in Totes, the ladies were adept at _______phrases and _______subtleties of expression to describe the most ________things.
(a) Crude; outrageous; proper.
(b) Crude; outrageous; improper.
(c) Delicate; charming; improper.
(d) Delicate; charming; proper.

15. How does Boule de Suif appear on their final morning in Totes?
(a) Cheerful and enthusiastic.
(b) Shy and reserved.
(c) Shamefaced and embarrassed.
(d) Proud and determined.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why are the married women "utterly humiliated" at being met by the person on their walk the second day?

2. As they discuss the Prussian officer on the third day in Totes, why does Madame Carre-Lamadon's eyes glisten and her face grow pale?

3. When the coach starts on its departure from Totes, what is Boule de Suif's attitude toward her neighbors?

4. On their walk the second day in Totes, why does the Count tell Loiseau that "we should be pursued at once, overtaken in ten minutes, and brought back as prisoners at the mercy of the soldiery"?

5. In the coach on their departure from Totes, who "sat still, lost in thought"?

(see the answer keys)

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