Boule de Suif Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boule de Suif Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What port city do the merchants in Rouen have business in and have to reach, despite being occupied by the Germans?
(a) Berlin.
(b) Rome.
(c) Havre.
(d) Vienna.

2. Why are the coach passengers frightened when they first arrive in Totes?
(a) They hear the ringing of a bell and a voice call out in German.
(b) They hear the clanging of a scabbard and a voice call out in French.
(c) They hear the clanging of a scabbard and a voice call out in German.
(d) They hear the ringing of a bell and a voice call out in French.

3. At luncheon the first day in Totes, who appears ill and worried as they dine?
(a) Madame Loiseau.
(b) Boule de Suif.
(c) Madame Carre-Lamadon.
(d) The nuns.

4. What object does Cornudet use that is described as "admirably colored to a black the shade of its owner's teeth"?
(a) A wallet.
(b) A jug.
(c) A Bible.
(d) A pipe.

5. The Prussian officer who often dined at the same table with the family, expressed sympathy with __________.
(a) France.
(b) United States.
(c) Germany.
(d) Russia.

6. What is the reason the Prussian officer gives the male passengers about refusing to start on their journey to Dieppe?
(a) The weather is too treacherous.
(b) He can't find the coach driver.
(c) He doesn't offer one.
(d) The provisions have run out.

7. What kind of soldiers wander through the town in the beginning of "Boule de Suif"?
(a) Triumphant.
(b) Defeated.
(c) Intelligent.
(d) Joyful.

8. At dinner the first day in Totes, who manifested a lively and tender sympathy for Boule de Suif?
(a) The men.
(b) The nuns.
(c) The innkeepers.
(d) The women.

9. In the beginning of the story, what do the conquerors exact from the inhabitants of Rouen?
(a) Transportation.
(b) Money.
(c) Accolades.
(d) Clothes.

10. How do the nuns in "Boule de Suif" spend their time in the coach?
(a) Sleeping.
(b) Reading.
(c) Praying.
(d) Listening.

11. In the morning of their first day in Totes, what do the male passengers see the Prussian soldiers doing in the town square while looking for the coach driver?
(a) Burying the dead and attending to the wounded.
(b) Practicing drills for the next battle.
(c) Stockpiling weapons and provisions.
(d) Helping the women with household chores.

12. In "Boule de Suif," Loiseau sold very _____wine at a very ____price.
(a) Good; high.
(b) Good; low.
(c) Bad; high.
(d) Bad; low.

13. What passengers are the last to alight from the coach when they arrive in Totes?
(a) Comtesse and Comte de Breville.
(b) Monsieur and Madame Carre-Lamadon.
(c) Boule de Suif and Cornudet.
(d) The two nuns.

14. In the beginning of "Boule de Suif," the anguish of _______made men even desire the arrival of the________ .
(a) Suspense; allies.
(b) Suspense; enemy.
(c) Knowledge; allies.
(d) Knowledge; enemy.

15. Why do the male passengers want to meet with the Prussian officer after luncheon the first day in Totes?
(a) To ask to stay in Totes.
(b) To inquire about money.
(c) To ask to start on their journey.
(d) To steal his weapons.

Short Answer Questions

1. In the beginning of "Boule de Suif," what happens to the National Guards' arms, uniforms, and death dealing paraphernalia?

2. What do the coach passengers do to pass the two hours before dinner the first day in Totes?

3. Why do the coach passengers resemble "obese priests in their cassocks" when they meet for their seats?

4. What does Monsieur Follenvie announce about the Prussian officer as the passengers are about to sit down to dinner the first day in Totes?

5. Who refuses to meet with the Prussian officer after luncheon the first day in Totes, stating that he would never have anything to do with the Germans?

(see the answer keys)

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