Boule de Suif Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boule de Suif Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Cornudet follow Boule de Suif to her room their first night in Totes?
(a) To invite her for a late night supper.
(b) To make sexual advances toward her.
(c) To ask her to speak to the Prussian officer.
(d) To request she spy on their passengers.

2. Who "remained apart from the rest, taking no share in the plot" of persuading Boule de Suif to sleep with the Prussian.
(a) Cornudet.
(b) Loiseau.
(c) Monsieur Follenvie.
(d) Comte de Breville.

3. At dinner the first day in Totes, who manifested a lively and tender sympathy for Boule de Suif?
(a) The innkeepers.
(b) The nuns.
(c) The men.
(d) The women.

4. What is the reason the Prussian officer gives the male passengers about refusing to start on their journey to Dieppe?
(a) The provisions have run out.
(b) He doesn't offer one.
(c) The weather is too treacherous.
(d) He can't find the coach driver.

5. In the morning of their first day in Totes, what do the male passengers see the Prussian soldiers doing in the town square while looking for the coach driver?
(a) Helping the women with household chores.
(b) Stockpiling weapons and provisions.
(c) Burying the dead and attending to the wounded.
(d) Practicing drills for the next battle.

Short Answer Questions

1. At luncheon the first day in Totes, who appears ill and worried as they dine?

2. In the afternoon of the third day in Totes, what tone does the Count adopt on his walk with Boule de Suif to convince her to surrender to the Prussian?

3. What is the name of the hotel the coach stops in front of when they arrive in Totes?

4. In "Boule de Suif," who has the best seats in the coach?

5. What is the weather like on their walk in the village neighborhood the second day in Totes?

(see the answer key)

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