Boule de Suif Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boule de Suif Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 3.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the morning of their first day in Totes, what do the male passengers see the Prussian soldiers doing in the town square while looking for the coach driver?
(a) Practicing drills for the next battle.
(b) Stockpiling weapons and provisions.
(c) Helping the women with household chores.
(d) Burying the dead and attending to the wounded.

2. What does Cornudet notice about Loiseau and his wife as they pass the two hours before dinner the first day in Totes?
(a) That they have not returned.
(b) That they understand German.
(c) That they are atheists.
(d) That they are in league to cheat.

3. At the beginning of the story, the vanquished in the city of Rouen realize they had to be civil to whom?
(a) Their allies.
(b) Their family.
(c) Their peers.
(d) Their conquerors.

4. After night falls, what does Madame de Breville offer Boule de Suif when the cold makes her shiver in the coach?
(a) Her foot-warmer.
(b) Her fur collar.
(c) Her boots.
(d) Her blanket.

5. In the beginning of "Boule de Suif," what kind of soldiers are NOT wandering through the town?
(a) Volunteers.
(b) Enlisted.
(c) Artillerymen.
(d) Retired.

Short Answer Questions

1. On the third day in Totes, which person suggests that the should persuade Boule de Suif to sleep with the Prussian?

2. Why does the group of passengers urge Boule de Suif to speak to the Prussian officer when they first arrive in Totes?

3. During their first supper in Totes, who states "War is a barbarous proceeding when we attack a peaceful neighbor, but it is a sacred duty when undertaken in defense of one' country."

4. What three people decide NOT to go for a walk in the village neighborhood?

5. What country are the passengers in "Boule de Suif" traveling through on a coach?

(see the answer key)

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