Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who was among the more famous ward committeemen from the South Side of Chicago?
(a) Adalai Stevenson.
(b) Abraham Marovitz.
(c) Vito Marzullo.
(d) Al Capone.

2. What was Richard Daley able to accomplish with the additional funding that the Republican Governor of Illinois granted to Chicago in 1956?
(a) Begin new construction and present tangible proof to the voters that he is wasting no time in improving the city.
(b) Show the parents of school children that he wanted to improve education.
(c) Show decision makers in Washington that he could support their plans.
(d) Show the voters who could not afford a car that he would help them get to work.

3. When was the Introduction written?
(a) While Daley was convalescing in the hospital.
(b) After an interview of Daley's widow.
(c) One day after Richard Daley died.
(d) After Daley won his last election.

4. Who was the Democrat official who became a rival to Daley in his climb to the chairmanship of the Democratic Central Committee?
(a) Benjamin Adamowski.
(b) Clarence Wager.
(c) Adlai Stevenson.
(d) Paul Douglas.

5. Why did Richard Daley make the unusual move?
(a) He knew he would be spending long hours at work and wanted to cut down the time he was away from his family.
(b) A new chairman might do what he did--replace Daley with himself.
(c) He wanted to show everyone that the Democrat Machine was going to tighten its control over Chicago.
(d) Many people in the previous administration did not trust Daley and thought him paranoid.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Richard Daley's family background?

2. What was Richard Daley's advice to city officials getting money on the sly?

3. What were the campaign issues pressed by the Republican candidate in the 1955 Chicago mayoral election?

4. To whom was Richard Daley most loyal according to Royko?

5. Upon what has Richard Daley's quick rise in political influence been credited?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who opposed Richard Daley's candidacy for Cook County Democratic Chairman, and how did Daley end up getting the position?

2. Why did leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination of 1972 congratulate Richard Daley on his 1971 election victory?

3. What did Richard Daley's 1971 election margin mean for his future influence over Chicago?

4. What are some of the ethnic neighborhoods that Richard Daley passed through as he was being driven to work everyday that he was Mayor of Chicago?

5. How were Chicago neighborhoods like small towns when Richard Daley was growing up?

6. What types of jobs did ward committeemen hold?

7. What law enforcement order did Richard Daley make during riots that broke out after the assassination of Martin Luther King?

8. What were three scandals that plagued the Chicago Police Department in 1959 and 1960?

9. What is nepotism and how did Richard Daley use it?

10. How did Richard Daley decide whose complaints will get satisfactory treatment?

(see the answer keys)

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