Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Boss: Richard J. Daley of Chicago Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did Richard Daley convince to hold the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago?
(a) The Democrat National Committee.
(b) The Speaker of the House.
(c) President Lyndon B. Johnson.
(d) Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey.

2. How did segregation aid the Democratic political machine in Chicago?
(a) Segregation helped the Cook County Democratic Central Committee know which votes to count and which to hold back.
(b) Segregated precincts helped the Cook County Democratic Central Committee know where to apply pressure.
(c) If blacks were allowed to move into white neighborhoods, the whites would be enraged, withdraw its political support for the party in power, and the Machine would collapse.
(d) Segregated neighborhoods helped Mayor Daley know where to focus patronage.

3. Who did Richard Daley appoint to take care of the 1960 police department scandal?
(a) William Kunstler, a lawyer who was a persistent critic of Chicago city government.
(b) Orlando Wilson, the nation's brilliant and foremost law enforcement expert and corrupt-free head of the University of California's criminology department.
(c) Adalai Stevenson, who had a highly regarded reputation for integrity in Illinois.
(d) Jesse Jackson, who had been working very closely with Martin Luther King on civil rights issues.

4. What tactic did segregation opponents use to point out the problem of segregation in Chicago?
(a) They organized a sit-in of African-American activists at segregated public venues.
(b) African-American parents began enrolling their children in white schools near their homes.
(c) African-American activists ignorned "Whites Only" signs on businesses and demanded service from the proprietors.
(d) They rented a flat in Richard Daley's neighborhood and put up two African-American college students in the residence.

5. What is a campaign tactic that Richard Daley used against all of his election opponents?
(a) The Chicago Democrat Machine spread scandalous stories about the opponent that was either false or irrelevant, but Daley kept himself detatched from the stories.
(b) On election day he had public works projects on streets for polling sites in precincts where he feared losing.
(c) He would have public debates against the opponent and stack the audience in his favor.
(d) He campaigned door-to-door in precincts where he was polling behind his opponent.

6. How did Richard Daley respond to growing tensions in the weeks leading up to the 1968 Democratic National Convention?
(a) He became a mediator between the various interest groups and the Democratic National Committee.
(b) He did not consider any of the threats to be serious and ignored them.
(c) He began conferring with President Johnson for advice on how to handle the situation.
(d) He planned a massive show of force and denied public gathering permits to antiwar groups.

7. What 1960 police department scandal caused great embarrassment for Richard Daley?
(a) The 1960 presidential election was found to be fraudulent.
(b) A burglar reported that he was part of a burglary gang and the other members were policemen.
(c) The murders of the activists were traced back to ward committeemen.
(d) Several officials were indicted for real estate contract violations.

8. What discrepancy was committed by public officials in 1970 that caused problems for the Daley Administration?
(a) Police officers claimed they were defending themselves against an attack by the Black Panthers.
(b) A political opponent of Daley's reported that the trip to the Bahamas given as a gift to Daley was illegally funded with campaign donations.
(c) A Chicago Tribune discovered that Richard Daley's birthday party thrown by City Hall employees was funded illegally with public money.
(d) Those who were critical of Daley's decisions pointed to his avoidance of the public as evidence he was becoming a recluse.

9. What caused an outbreak of fires and looting on Chicago's West Side African-American neighborhoods during Richard Daley's fourth term?
(a) Increased police abuse after the retirement of Police Chief Orlando Wilson.
(b) The assassination of Martin Luther King.
(c) The retirement of Police Chief Orlando Wilson.
(d) Daley ordering water to be cut off from fire hydrants in the area.

10. How did the press handle the April event?
(a) Mid-Western news agencies became weary of antiwar protestors and began connecting them with Communist front groups.
(b) Not many reporters were assigned to the peace march, so it was overlooked.
(c) McCarthy supporters were characterized as a fringe, single issue caucus with no real political influence.
(d) The national news agencies began putting increased attention on African-American demands after Dr. King's assassination.

11. How did certain politicians consider Richard Daley's influence in 1971?
(a) Since he faced no competition he was not considered a serious political influence.
(b) National politicians still considered him someone who could produce votes.
(c) The bizarre events preceeding the 1971 elections added to his history of harsh treatment of his opponenets.
(d) Politicians in Illinois saw his influence on the wane.

12. How large and what was the make up of the security detail for the 1968 Democratic National convention?
(a) 15,000 private security personnel and prison guards.
(b) 25,000 police officers and National Guard soldiers.
(c) 20,000 Marines and Illinois State Patrolmen.
(d) 2,500 precinct walkers and sanitation workers.

13. How many protesters arrived in Chicago for the 1968 Democratic National Convention?
(a) 5,000.
(b) 25,000.
(c) 50,000.
(d) 500.

14. How did Richard Daley's selection for the 1970 Cook County Sheriff's race show in the election?
(a) Elrod won easily.
(b) Adamowski disappeared mysteriously before the election.
(c) Wilson decided to withdraw before the election was held.
(d) Marzullo ran a poor race and was narrowly defeated.

15. To what did Richard Daley credit his large majorities in African-American precincts?
(a) The involvement of Martin Luther King in civil rights controversies.
(b) Street repair projects.
(c) His door-to-door campaigning.
(d) His decision to move into an African-American neighborhood to initiate desegregation efforts.

Short Answer Questions

1. How deeply institutionalized was segregation in Chicago's city planning departments?

2. Where did Daley choose to begin his urban renewal projects?

3. How did most Chicagoans consider the corruption within the department?

4. How widely regarded was Richard Daley's victory for his fifth term regarded?

5. How was Richard Daley's initial urban renewal effort accepted by those who who used the areas?

(see the answer keys)

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