Borrower of the Night Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Borrower of the Night Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do they know the person whose remains are in the tomb died from a stab wound?
(a) A puncture wound can be seen on the remains.
(b) A letter is found with the remains.
(c) The body has been preserved.
(d) A dagger is found in the remains.

2. In a letter she wrote, what does Konstanze say is wrong with her husband?
(a) He has gone mad.
(b) He has an ill stomach.
(c) He has too many mistresses.
(d) He has fainting spells.

3. When Vicki returns to the secret panel and finds a box, what is inside the box?
(a) The relic and a tan substance.
(b) An angel's wing and a blue substance.
(c) A green frog figurine and a gray substance.
(d) A tin of ashes and a red substance.

4. Why doesn't Tony believe Irma is faking?
(a) Because she is too young.
(b) Because she is too fragile.
(c) Because everything in the castle belongs to her.
(d) Because she genuinely seems afraid of The Grafin.

5. Where does Tony go that he will not allow Vicki to come inside with him?
(a) The telegraph office.
(b) Schmidt's hospital room.
(c) His bedroom.
(d) Irma's room.

Short Answer Questions

1. What else did Vicki find in the library besides the diary pages ?

2. How does Tony feel about George's offer to help in the crypt?

3. What does Vicki hold in her hand as the only solid evidence they have found by Chapter 8?

4. After hearing the details of Konstanze's trial and death, what does Vicki think about Irma?

5. Why do Vicki and Tony go to the cemetery at night?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did the woman witness at Konstanze's trial testify to?

2. What happens when Vicki secretly follows Tony down the hall at night?

3. What happens between Tony and Vicki at the funeral service for the remains found in the tomb?

4. What happens to Tony, Vicki, and Blankenhagen when they finally figure out where the relic is?

5. What does the information about Konstanze's trial lead Vicki to believe about Irma?

6. What happens when Tony, Vicki, Blankenhagen, and George go to Schmidt's room to see if he was the one behind Tony's attack?

7. What does Vicki do with Irma outside of the castle and what is their interaction?

8. How does The Grafin respond when George tells her what they have discovered in the tomb of the Count?

9. When Blankenhagen examines the remains found in the tomb, what does he conclude?

10. What do Vicki and Tony find when they return to the library to get the items Vicki hid?

(see the answer keys)

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