Borrower of the Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Borrower of the Night Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Tony and Vicki see when they are in the cemetery?
(a) A figure dressed in white floating above a grave.
(b) A women surrounded by fire but not burned.
(c) A figure with clicking hooves.
(d) A dark, cloaked figure without a head.

2. Why does George offer to help Tony in the crypt?
(a) Because Tony can't be trusted.
(b) Because George is sure the relic is in the crypt.
(c) Because Vicki asks George to help Tony.
(d) Because Tony needs more muscle.

3. Who do Tony and Vicki think is behind Tony's attack?
(a) Blankenhagen.
(b) George.
(c) Schmidt.
(d) The Grafin.

4. When everyone else is asleep in Chapter 9, where does Vicki sneak into?
(a) Blankenhagen's room.
(b) Tony's room.
(c) Irma's room.
(d) Schmidt's room.

5. Who asks the rest of the group if Tony is dead?
(a) Blankenhagen.
(b) Schmidt.
(c) The Grafin.
(d) Irma.

6. What strikes Tony and Vicki as odd about The Grafin?
(a) She doesn't seem to age.
(b) They have never seen her eat.
(c) She doesn't care that people were in the tomb.
(d) She doesn't ask any questions of them.

7. Which object in the castle attacks Tony?
(a) A painting.
(b) A dagger.
(c) A suit of armor.
(d) A sword.

8. How is Tony's wound treated?
(a) With minor surgery.
(b) With stitches.
(c) With a couple of bandaids.
(d) With a butterfly bandage.

9. What object does Tony find near the body in the tomb in Chapter 7?
(a) An angel's wing.
(b) A rare gemstone.
(c) A locket of hair.
(d) A necklace with the letter "I" engraved.

10. What else did Vicki find in the library besides the diary pages ?
(a) Letters.
(b) Pictures.
(c) Jewelry.
(d) Maps.

11. Why doesn't Tony believe Irma is faking?
(a) Because everything in the castle belongs to her.
(b) Because she is too young.
(c) Because she is too fragile.
(d) Because she genuinely seems afraid of The Grafin.

12. Why does Vicki think Irma is in such good spirits in Chapter 10?
(a) Because she thinks someone is in love with her.
(b) Because The Grafin is missing.
(c) Because everything is going according to plan.
(d) Because she loves having other people in the castle.

13. What happens to the object that attacked Tony?
(a) It vanishes.
(b) It comes after Vicki.
(c) It is taken outside and put in the trash.
(d) It shows up in Vicki's room.

14. Who does George report the findings in the tomb to?
(a) Irma.
(b) Jacob Myers.
(c) The Grafin.
(d) Schmidt.

15. Who does Irma leave the castle with to go shopping?
(a) The Grafin.
(b) She goes by herself.
(c) Vicki.
(d) Tony.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Vicki decide not to tell Tony about the secret passage?

2. When Vicki and Tony head to their rooms at night in Chapter 9, what does Tony tell Vicki?

3. What announcement does George make while Vicki and Tony are looking over the blueprints?

4. Where does Vicki find the items that were missing from her hiding spot?

5. What covers the items in the box Vicki found?

(see the answer keys)

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