Borrower of the Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Borrower of the Night Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Tony and Vicki find when they go to the family crypt?
(a) The ghost of Konstanze.
(b) Konstanze's body is missing.
(c) The relic.
(d) Several skulls.

2. How does Tony try to dominate Vicki?
(a) Emotionally.
(b) Physically.
(c) Intellectually.
(d) Academically.

3. Who finds Vicki and Tony outside Irma's door at one in the morning?
(a) The Grafin.
(b) Schmidt.
(c) Irma.
(d) The ghost of the Countess.

4. According to the information Vicki and Tony find, who commissioned the piece from Riemenschneider?
(a) Count Burckhardt Drachenstein's father.
(b) Count Burckhardt Drachenstein's mother.
(c) Count Burckhardt Drachenstein.
(d) Count Burckhardt Drachenstein's grandmother.

5. Where does the Drachenstein family want to put Riemenschneider's piece?
(a) In their grandfather's coffin.
(b) In the church.
(c) In the castle.
(d) In their courtyard.

6. What are Vicki and Tony doing when they stumble upon information regarding a piece of art?
(a) Touring an art gallery.
(b) Getting ready for a dinner party.
(c) Looking through documents in the college's archive department.
(d) Fighting about whether or not to get married.

7. Who does Tony tell Vicki to keep her eye on?
(a) George.
(b) Schmidt.
(c) The Grafin.
(d) Irma.

8. During the seance, what seemingly moves without anyone touching it?
(a) Irma's bathrobe that his hanging on the wall.
(b) A glass of water.
(c) The planchette triangle.
(d) A book on the bookshelf.

9. Why is it rumored that the piece by Riemenschneider may not have been finished?
(a) Riemenschneider died.
(b) The Drachenstein family no longer wanted the piece.
(c) Riemenschneider was imprisoned.
(d) Riemenschneider's wife died leaving him in depression.

10. How is the relationship between Vicki and her co-worker, Tony Lawrence, described?
(a) They have a physical attraction and compatibility.
(b) They have a strictly work relationship.
(c) They like each other but have not told each other yet.
(d) They are using each other to get ahead in their careers.

11. Who is The Grafin?
(a) The orginal commissioner of the relic.
(b) The keeper of the castle records.
(c) Irma's aunt.
(d) The Drachenstein Family matriarch.

12. Who at the castle tries to get information out of Tony and Vicki as to why they are there?
(a) Irma Drachenstein.
(b) Nicolas Duvenvoorde.
(c) Doktor Blankenhagen.
(d) Herr Schmidt.

13. Who follows Vicki as she searches the castle?
(a) Tony.
(b) Irma.
(c) Schmidt.
(d) George.

14. What letters are spelled out by the forces at the seance?
(a) V-i-c.
(b) K-o-n.
(c) G-r-a.
(d) I-r-m.

15. What language is spoken at the seance?
(a) Italian.
(b) German.
(c) English.
(d) Spanish.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Vicki ever want to get married?

2. Who is pale and shaking in the corner during the seance?

3. What does Vicki find when she searches the library?

4. In the middle of the night, when Vicki, Tony, and George go to Irma's room, what do they find?

5. What do Vicki and Tony realize about Irma when she wakes up?

(see the answer keys)

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