Borrower of the Night Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Borrower of the Night Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Chapter 1-3

1. How old is Vicki when she realizes she will never get married?
(a) 30 years old.
(b) 10 years old.
(c) 20 year old.
(d) 16 years old.

2. When Vicki was in elementary school, what did she realize as she compared herself to the boys in her class?
(a) She was taller and smarter than they were.
(b) She was shorter and dumber than they were.
(c) She was more of a trouble maker than they were.
(d) She was quieter and sneakier than they were.

3. As Vicki develops into a woman, what conflict does she notice in herself?
(a) Her nose is too big for her face.
(b) Her body does not match her brains.
(c) Her feet are too small for the rest of her body.
(d) She looks smarter than she is.

4. What does Vicki have to work hard in life to prove?
(a) Her intelligence.
(b) Her desire to be promoted.
(c) Her lineage.
(d) Her art expertise.

5. Where does Vicki work?
(a) At a small college.
(b) At a large university.
(c) At a prep school.
(d) At a commmunity college.

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