Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Tammet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Tammet
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Daniel meet his partner, Neil?
(a) Through a newspaper ad.
(b) In school.
(c) At a party.
(d) Online.

2. What is Esperanto?
(a) The esoteric language used in Wales.
(b) A Spanish dialect.
(c) A blend of many languages with logical grammar.
(d) Daniel's made-up language.

3. How does Daniel feel about having met with Kim Peek?
(a) He wishes Kim lived in England.
(b) It is depressing that Kim cannot care for himself.
(c) He is upset that Kim cannot converse better with him.
(d) It is one of the happiest moments of his life.

4. Who becomes Daniel's closest friend in Lithuania?
(a) Inga.
(b) Neil.
(c) BirutÄ—.
(d) Olga.

5. What is Daniel's assignment for the volunteer organization?
(a) English teacher.
(b) Farming instruction.
(c) Math teacher.
(d) Social worker.

6. In what city did Daniel meet with Kim Peek?
(a) Seattle.
(b) New York.
(c) San Diego.
(d) Salt Lake City.

7. What does the National Autistic Society in England suggest as a fairer alternative to a job interview for autistic people?
(a) A résumé.
(b) A work trial.
(c) A telephone call.
(d) Good references.

8. What caused Daniel to be interested in learning Spanish?
(a) Neil spoke the language.
(b) A conversation with Neil's mother about Spain.
(c) A television show he watched that was in Spanish.
(d) He was about to take a trip to Mexico.

9. Why did Daniel have mixed feelings about the documentary producers filming him in Las Vegas?
(a) He did want to trivialize his abilities.
(b) It was too hot for him there.
(c) He felt it would be gaudy and tacky there.
(d) He did not like large crowds.

10. How does Daniel best learn new languages?
(a) By listening to it spoken.
(b) By playing Scrabble with the foreign letters.
(c) From watching television.
(d) Visually.

11. What language is Daniel learning when the book is being written?
(a) Icelandic.
(b) Welsh.
(c) Korean.
(d) Russian.

12. Why is learning new languages easier if you already know more than one?
(a) All languages have the same syntax rules.
(b) Languages belong to "families" of related, similar languages.
(c) Your brain is in a receptive mode.
(d) Each language is a separate color in your mind.

13. How did anyone know if Daniel was reciting pi correctly?
(a) There were checkers to be sure he was.
(b) The numbers were flashed on a screen behind Daniel.
(c) There was no way to know.
(d) Neil was keeping track from the audience.

14. Whose photo does Daniel keep on the dresser in his kitchen?
(a) His mother's.
(b) Neil's.
(c) His brother's.
(d) His nephew's.

15. What was Daniel's mood like on the flight to California?
(a) Enthusiastic.
(b) Anxious.
(c) Optimistic.
(d) Terrified.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the city in Iceland that Daniel must go to?

2. What is Daniel's apartment like in the new country where he volunteers?

3. How long is Daniel's challenge in Iceland reduced in time?

4. Who did Daniel help with advice on learning Romanian?

5. How did Neil help Daniel memorize the pi digits?

(see the answer keys)

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