Born at Midnight Test | Final Test - Medium

C. C. Hunter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Born at Midnight Test | Final Test - Medium

C. C. Hunter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Kylie "hear" as bombs and guns are going off?
(a) A man speaking Arabic.
(b) A woman scream.
(c) A dog barking.
(d) A man speaking in Vietnamese.

2. Why do all the campers try to take the blame for the fight?
(a) They all blame each other.
(b) Using reverse psychology.
(c) To take the focus off some other stuff that is worse.
(d) To protect the others.

3. Why does Kylie go to see Holiday after her visitor leaves?
(a) To ask for a few days to go home.
(b) To tell Holiday about Fredricka's harassment.
(c) To tell Holiday about seeing the soldier again.
(d) To tell Holiday about the visitor.

4. What does the ghost soldier say after briefly disappering?
(a) Help is in the way.
(b) Kylie should try to use her gift on the lion.
(c) He wants Kylie to understand her mother.
(d) He will always be close to Kylie and watching out for her.

5. What does Kylie tell Holiday the morning of her out-of-body experience?
(a) She knows what the soldier wants of her.
(b) She wants to leave the camp.
(c) She knows where she got her supernatural gift.
(d) She wants to communicate with the soldier.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Kylie ask the ghost soldier?

2. What does the ghost soldier say is the reason he is the only ghost she sees?

3. What does Kylie say to Miranda about Perry?

4. What does Holiday tell Kylie about Lucas' parents?

5. What does Kylie assume when she sees what's lying on her bed?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Kylie stand up to Holiday?

2. Why is Kylie jealous concerning Derek?

3. What advice does Kylie give Helen?

4. What does Kylie witness when in the body of the ghost soldier?

5. Why does Kylie's grandmother have to summon Holiday to help Kylie rather than Daniel doing so directly?

6. What happens during the fight at the refuge and who breaks it up?

7. Who does Della bring to Kylie's room and how did she find the person?

8. What does Kylie find out about her biological father?

9. How does Kylie exasperate Holiday?

10. Why does Daniel Brighten disappear, and how does he reassure Kylie?

(see the answer keys)

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