Born a Crime Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Trevor Noah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Born a Crime Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Trevor Noah
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 174 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Go Hitler!" - "The Cheese Boys".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the author feel when he saw what Abel did to the ringleader from the incident under the mulberry tree?
(a) He was horrified at Abel's ferocity.
(b) He was scared because he knew Abel would beat him up next.
(c) He was glad the boy could not hurt anyone else.
(d) He did not care at all.

2. What did the author assume about the teacher who yelled at his dance crew for chanting on Hitler's behalf?
(a) He assumed that she was offended by Hitler's highly sexual grooves.
(b) He assumed that she was offended by Hitler's notorious pogroms.
(c) He assumed that she was trying to be heard over the music.
(d) He assumed that she was a fan of Hitler's chief rival in the hip hop community.

3. What does the name Nombuyiselo mean?
(a) "She who gives back."
(b) "She who popped out of nowhere."
(c) "A builder of ships."
(d) "The Fixer."

4. What does the Afrikans term "amperbaas," used to refer to the status of colored people under apartheid, mean?
(a) "Esteemed technician."
(b) "Loud Baritone."
(c) "Almost-boss."
(d) "Underling."

5. According to the author, what did the name "Hitler" connote to black South Africans in the area and time where the author grew up?
(a) It connoted a bawdy sense of humor.
(b) It connoted toughness.
(c) It connoted racial animosity.
(d) It connoted a deep lack of patriotism.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the author explain his remark that he and his mother "weren't just mother and son" (70)?

2. What was the author first saving money for when he started hustling?

3. What element of American culture does the author equate with freedom in the story, "Go Hitler!"?

4. Where did Nelson Mandela and Steve Biko go to school?

5. What advice did Patricia give the author about prioritizing between his wife and mother?

(see the answer key)

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