The Book of Laughter and Forgetting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Book of Laughter and Forgetting Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the boat with the boy who rows?
(a) Tied to a bridge at the riverbank.
(b) At the shore of a lake.
(c) In a field of corn.
(d) Docked on the bay.

2. Where does Tamina work?
(a) We are not told.
(b) As a nanny to one of the big Communist Bosses.
(c) As a secretary to the Minister of Justice.
(d) As a waitress at a cafe.

3. To what does the student manipulate Kristyna into agreeing?
(a) To return that same day back to her home.
(b) To his going to the Writer's Club meeting.
(c) To go to bed with him.
(d) To getting her own motel room.

4. What finally happens to Tamina?
(a) She is hung by the children who keep losing to her team.
(b) She dies in her sleep naturally.
(c) She drowns.
(d) She becomes the oldest of the elderly woman there.

5. Where do Kristyna and a student she meets agree to reunite?
(a) At his apartment in the city.
(b) In Budapest.
(c) In Poland.
(d) In Prague.

6. How is Tamina's apartment?
(a) Neat and organized.
(b) In shambles.
(c) Completely empty.
(d) Cluttered but clean.

7. Of what is Bibi convinced?
(a) She is going to get to the United States.
(b) She is going to be an actress.
(c) She is going to write a novel.
(d) She is going to die young.

8. What does Tamina think the ostriches are doing?
(a) Teaching her.
(b) Laughing at her.
(c) Warning her.
(d) Asking for mercy.

9. Where does Voltaire invite the student?
(a) To his home for dinner.
(b) To watch a reenactment of independence day.
(c) To hear a poetry reading at a pub.
(d) A meeting of the Writer's Club.

10. What happens to Hubl after his comments?
(a) He defects.
(b) He is jailed six months later.
(c) He is made Minister of Justice.
(d) He is assassinated.

11. What do Tamina and her husband leave at her Stepmother's house?
(a) All Tamina and her husband's love letters.
(b) Their daughter.
(c) Their son.
(d) Some political propaganda.

12. How does the student feel as he returns home?
(a) Dejected.
(b) Inferior.
(c) Fully restored.
(d) Confused.

13. Why doesn't the memory of Tamina's husband torment her any longer?
(a) She has had a stroke.
(b) She has had a lobotomy.
(c) She is in a place of no history.
(d) She is in love with Raphael.

14. How does the narrator describe Tamina?
(a) As on a raft looking back.
(b) As a empty husk.
(c) As a lost soul whose shape is set in the past.
(d) As a empty soul with no life.

15. What happens to Tamina?
(a) She is given a room full of children and no privacy.
(b) She joins the elderly women.
(c) She is left alone on the deserted islad.
(d) She is eaten by the animals.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hugo do after sleeping with Tamina?

2. What is one condition that must occur for graphomania to take place?

3. What turns off the student about Kristyna when she arrives?

4. What happens when Tamina and her husband are abroad?

5. What does Tamina do shortly after losing her husband?

(see the answer keys)

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