Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What did Bonhoeffer believe to be the future of theological education in Germany, according to a letter cited by Metaxas?
2. Why didn't the suicide plan involving Major Rudolf-Christoph von Gersdorff to kill Hitler with bombs hiding in Gersdorff's overcoat while Hitler attended a Hero's Memorial Day, according to Metaxas?
3. How had the relationship come to be known to Maria's mother, according to Metaxas?
4. How does Metaxas claim that Operation Flash got it's name?
5. Where did Bonhoeffer first meet Eberhard Bethge, according to Metaxas?
Short Essay Questions
1. Why had the original attempt to assassinate Hitler failed, according to Metaxas?
2. Why did the Gestapo begin to investigate those who were involved in Operation 7, according to Metaxas?
3. Who does Metaxas claim to be the first person to recognize the chemistry between Maria von Wedemeyer and Bonhoeffer?
4. Why did the Anschluss of Austria provide Hitler with wave of popular support in Germany, according to Metaxas?
5. According to a quote by Oskar Hammelsbeck cited by Metaxas, how had Bonhoeffer's moral convictions and his view of guilt lead him to be involved with the conspiracy to assassinate Adolf Hitler?
6. What are two reasons Metaxas cited that German generals would not join a coup against Hitler after the conquering of France?
7. Where did Hitler require the French to sign the instrument of surrender to Germany after Hitler had conquered them, according to Metaxas?
8. What does Metaxas identify as a major criticism that Bonhoeffer made of both the international ecumenical movement and the German Confessing Church?
9. Who does Metaxas claim the conspiracy was targeting for assassination besides Hitler?
10. What does Metaxas define as the Godesberg Declaration?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Compare and contrast Germany's Fuhrer Principle to Bonhoeffer's view of servant leadership. Give a brief review of the origins of each concept and how each manifested themselves in the lives of Germany and Bonhoeffer.
Essay Topic 2
During his time in Rome, Bonhoeffer made several observations of the Catholic church that he carried into his theological vies and his involvement with the ecumenical movement. Choose two observations that Bonhoeffer made regarding Catholic worship and dogma that helped to shape Bonhoeffer's theological views. In your essay, demonstrate:
1. The cause-effect of the observation on Bonhoeffer's thinking.
2. How the two observations manifested themselves in Bonhoeffer's life and ministries.
Essay Topic 3
Upon entering Berlin, Bonhoeffer took exceptions with Adolf von Harnack's approach to theology and proceeded to debate Harnack's positions. Harnack, however, chose to invite Bonhoeffer to study under him during Harnack's final summer seminar and Bonhoeffer accepted the invitation. Explain how Bonhoeffer choosing to learn from people with whom he disagreed was a sign of his character that followed him through his life. Detail how this tendency affected his relationships, his ministries, and his persecution and eventual imprisonment.
This section contains 987 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |