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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why was the German Government opposed to Bonhoeffer and is ordinands traveling to visit the Swiss church, according to a quote found by Metaxas?
2. What did Bonhoeffer claim to be the two main questions that young theologians brought to him in a letter to Karl Barth that was cited by Metaxas?
3. Why did Bonhoeffer recommend that Bethge keep up daily meditations on scripture even while he traveled according to Metaxas?
4. What statement did Bonhoeffer make in a lecture titled, "The Question of the Boundaries of the Church and Church Union", was criticized by his supporters as being a piece of false doctrine?
5. What dramatic event greeted Bonhoeffer as 1938 was beginning, according to Metaxas?
Short Essay Questions
1. What does Metaxas claim to be Bonhoeffer's indication that the Gestapo was preparing to arrest him?
2. How does Metaxas claim Dohnanyi and Bonhoeffer tried to fool the Gestapo with letters between them while they were in captivity.
3. What does Metaxas report to be the response of every Norwegian Pastor after Bishop Berggrav was placed under house arrest?
4. Who does Metaxas claim to be the first person to recognize the chemistry between Maria von Wedemeyer and Bonhoeffer?
5. What did Metaxas report to be the event that led to the Kristallnacht?
6. What does Metaxas claim to be Bonhoeffer's attitude about the death he was facing at the hands of the Nazis?
7. For what reason does Metaxas claim Bonhoeffer left London for Berlin?
8. Who does Metaxas claim the conspiracy was targeting for assassination besides Hitler?
9. How did Bonhoeffer send coded messages to his family while was in captivity, according to Metaxas.
10. Why did the Anschluss of Austria provide Hitler with wave of popular support in Germany, according to Metaxas?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
When Bonhoeffer returned to Berlin after his year in Barcelona and another year in America, he found the Nazis were asserting themselves over every aspect of the German culture. Examine the book for reasons that Hitler and the Nazis became so appealing to Germany. Identify some of the difficulties that came to Germany due to the Treaty of Versailles as they are detailed in the book and even from sources outside of the book. Use these to help to explain Hitler's rise to power.
Essay Topic 2
As the Nazis began their agenda of persecution against Jews and various religious groups, conflicts arose in the church between who felt that the Nazis needed to be defied and others who felt they could be dealt with. Compare and contrast the two views and use information from the book that the sides used to support their position. Finally detail the consequences for choosing one of the two positions.
Essay Topic 3
Review the Bonhoeffer's inmates at Buchenwald. Detail how his relationship with them upheld his views of Christian leadership and the principles of inclusion that he pursued through the ecumenical movement.
This section contains 975 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |