Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric Metaxas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 228 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric Metaxas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 228 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What speculation does Metaxas make as to why the former Nazi official who performed medical experiments on concentration camp prisoners was placed in confinement?
(a) He was found to be keeping records of what he was doing for the Nazis so he could share them with allied officials to incriminate his superiors.
(b) He had become disgusted with his work and joined the conspiracy to assassinate Hitler.
(c) Because he attempted to publish his findings in a Swiss medical journal so they could be more widely used.
(d) Because he had come to his conscience and refused to conduct any more experiments.

2. To what Biblical prophets did Metaxas compare Bonhoeffer based upon the speech he gave at Fano?
(a) Daniel and Samuel.
(b) Jeremiah and Jonah.
(c) Nehemiah and Jeremiah.
(d) John the Baptist and Elijah.

3. According to Metaxas, why didn't Hitler have everyone involved in the conspiracy against him immediately executed?
(a) The war was winding down and the resources were not available to retrieve all of them.
(b) He was planning massive, televised show trials after his success in the war.
(c) Hitler wanted to get as much information as possible regarding the conspiracy.
(d) He wanted to enjoy torturing the co-conspirators to their death.

4. Why did Colonel Claus von Sauffenberg join the conspiracy to assassinate Hitler, according to Metaxas?
(a) He could not face his conscience if he did not act.
(b) A devout Catholic, Sauffenberg agreed with Bonhoeffer that the Nazis were attempting to eliminate the Christian religion.
(c) Stauffenberg could rise in political rank and someday be the Chancellor of Germany if he successfully killed Hitler.
(d) He was disgusted with Hitler when he witnessed the treatment of Polish prisoners of war in 1939 and for the murder of the Jews.

5. What does Metaxas claim that Bonhoeffer saw would destroy Germany after the defeat of France?
(a) He saw that they had become mindlessly controlled by the Nazi view for Germany.
(b) He saw that Germany would be destroyed by success.
(c) He saw that Hitler would be able to lead them to their own destruction.
(d) He saw that now that Germans were turning back history, Germans would be taken by jealousy for each other.

6. Which of the following does Metaxas not report to have been arrested on the same day as Bonhoeffer?
(a) Hans Dohnanyi.
(b) Christine Bonhoeffer.
(c) General Ludwig Beck
(d) Joseph Muller.

7. What speculation does Metaxas offer for the reason that the British government would not encourage German conspiracies to assassinate Hitler?
(a) Churchill did not believe that a German conspiracy could be successful.
(b) Churchill was preoccupied with capturing and trying Hitler.
(c) Churchill wanted the credit of killing Hitler to go to a British scheme.
(d) Churchill wanted to mollify Stalin.

8. How does Metaxas explain that Bonhoeffer planned to escape from Tegel?
(a) By tunneling out from his cell.
(b) By walking out with Corporal Knobloch in a mechanics uniform.
(c) His uncle, Paul von Hase, military commandant over Tegel, would have him released.
(d) By hiding in a bag of dirty laundry to be delivered to a uniform service.

9. How does Metaxas report that Hitler avoided political confrontations from his generals as he was making plans for war?
(a) He met with Neville Chamberlain to negotiate the peaceful acquisition of Czechoslovakia.
(b) He put out false stories that his major opponents in the military were homosexuals.
(c) He conducted the peaceful anchluss of Austria.
(d) He took command of the military by establishing the OKW and surrounding himself with supporters.

10. On the day that Bonhoeffer was arrested, what does Metaxas report Maria had written to Bonhoeffer in her diary?
(a) "Can you still remember every word we exchanged?"
(b) "When you laughed and told me not to worry, I knew all at once that it wasn't true., what grandmother had said,..."
(c) "Has something bad happened? I'm afraid it's something very bad."
(d) "I can' go on like this. I have to know--are you really in danger?"

11. Where did Bonhoeffer first meet Eberhard Bethge, according to Metaxas?
(a) On the peninsula of Zingst.
(b) During a conference with leaders of the Confessing Church.
(c) During one of the many social engagements at his parents home.
(d) In Berlin upon his return from England.

12. What does Metaxas report to be the commissar order?
(a) A military order that all captured Soviet military leaders were to be shot and killed.
(b) A direct order that all German military officers would be assigned a Nazi commissar to direct them in the proper German method of conducting combat.
(c) A direct order that all prisoners taken by the German military were to be placed under the direct command of an SS commissar.
(d) A military order that ordered that all Soviet commissars be captured and grilled for torture techniques.

13. What event does Metaxas claim that Bonhoeffer saw Psalms 74 as being a direct communication from God regarding the situation in Germany?
(a) The Kristallnacht.
(b) The Night of the Long Knives.
(c) The 1936 Olympics.
(d) The Enabling Acts.

14. What does Metaxas claim Bonhoeffer's struggle with avoiding military service as Germany prepared for war proves regarding his thinking?
(a) That Christians cannot be governed by mere principles, but must hear from God.
(b) That Christians must first be motivated by the affects of their decisions on others.
(c) 4. That Christians must be submissive to government, but they must not be a party to immorality.
(d) That Christians reach points that they have no good choices.

15. What did Bonhoeffer believe to be the future of theological education in Germany, according to a letter cited by Metaxas?
(a) "Churches will have to become invisible and protective if they are to teach the Gospel in the future."
(b) "Christians will have to seek protection from international ecumenical movements to intercede between authoritarian governments and doctrinal freedom."
(c) "The entire education of the younger generation of theologians belongs today in church cloister-like schools, in which pure doctrine, the Sermon on the Mount and worship are taken seriously...."
(d) "The only hope for teaching any biblical truth is to find areas of compromise with the current regime and willingly take those for the immediate future."

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Metaxas report to be the meaning of the officials at Flossenburg telling the prisoners being transferred from Buchenwald that the camp was "too full" to receive them?

2. How did the commissar order revitalize the conspiracy to overthrow Hitler?

3. How does Metaxas report that Bonhoeffer was discovered to be involved in Operation 7?

4. What does Metaxas claim to be Bonhoeffer's view of death?

5. Why was the plan to assassinate Hitler in Operation Flash not successful, according to Metaxas?

(see the answer keys)

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