Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eric Metaxas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 228 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Eric Metaxas
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 228 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did the German Pastor's Emergency League respond to Reichsbischof Ludwig Muller's attempt to prevent it from meeting in synod by closing the Berlin Cathedral, according to Metaxas?
(a) They signed a petition expressing their disagreement.
(b) They asked Bonhoeffer to separate his congregations from the official German church.
(c) They held their synod in the courtyard adjacent to the Cathedral.
(d) They asked for international observation of Nazi involvement in church affairs.

2. What question regarding the reformation became increasingly important to Bonhoeffer as the Nazis became increasingly demanding of the Lutheran church?
(a) Why does God allow bad things to happen to good people?
(b) Did the reformation go wrong by moving from a sect to a church.
(c) Did Christianity have too close of a relationship with pagan culture when the catholic church became officially recognized.
(d) Can there really be a separation of church and state?

3. Who does Metaxas report to be the professor who became the greatest influence over Bonhoeffer's life?
(a) Karl Barth.
(b) Karl Holl.
(c) Adolf Deissman.
(d) Adolf von Harnack.

4. Who was the theologian that Metaxas reports Bonhoeffer lobbied to have placed in the University of Berlin that the Nazis rejected?
(a) Georg Wobbermin.
(b) Erwin Sutz.
(c) Emil Brunner.
(d) Karl Barth.

5. What was a criticism that Bonhoeffer made of his head pastor in Barcelona, Friedrich Olbricht?
(a) Olbricht was gone too much and left too many of the responsibilities of the parish to him.
(b) Olbricht was, "Too demanding of his expectations that I understand all the challenges of his pastorate."
(c) Olbricht had, "...lost his zeal for the church and had become disinterested in applying biblical truths to the modern world."
(d) Olbricht, "...has...done nothing in the was of addressing the younger generation in his parish."

6. What does Metaxas point out to be the motivation of Luther's condemnations of the Jews that he wrote late in his life?
(a) They were motivated by their aloofness to general European society.
(b) They were motivated by their economic self sufficiency.
(c) They were motivated by the Jews indifference to his efforts to convert them to Christianity.
(d) They were motivated by their racial differences to europeans.

7. How does Metaxas claim Hitler viewed Christianity and the church?
(a) Hitler was ambivalent to the church and focused only on his political fortunes.
(b) Hitler viewed the church pragmatically and appealed to it to gain power.
(c) Hitler viewed the church as a barrier to his power and attempted to have it destroyed.
(d) Hitler was a faithful Catholic and encouraged members of his entourage to remain active in their congregations.

8. What does Metaxas claim to have given Bonhoeffer any value during his trip to New York?
(a) The socially focused church activities.
(b) Negro Churches.
(c) The open debate regarding social issues.
(d) The casual attitudes of seminary students.

9. Upon what Christian principal was the Barman Declaration that rejected Nazi influence over the German church based, according to Metaxas?
(a) That God is completely unknowable except by revelation.
(b) That man is always attempting to become God.
(c) That the creation cannot make itself equal to the creator.
(d) That man is bent toward sin and is in need of redemption.

10. What was the date of Bonhoeffer's Memorial Service, according to Metaxas?
(a) August 15, 1945.
(b) May 8, 1945.
(c) July 27, 1945.
(d) April 9, 1945.

11. What threat did Theodor Heckel make against Bonhoeffer to make him stop his attempts to oppose the German church from England?
(a) Heckel pointed out that the government knew where Bonhoeffer's family lived.
(b) Heckel said that if Bonhoeffer returned he could be put in a concentration camp.
(c) Heckel said that he could use his position to have his degrees rescinded.
(d) Heckel implied that Bonhoeffer's activities with non-German church leaders were considered treasonous.

12. Who taught Bonhoeffer's nanny, Kathe van Horn, Christian concepts that challenged Lutheran orthodoxies of the day?
(a) Count Zinzendorf.
(b) John Calvin.
(c) Martin Luther.
(d) She taught herself.

13. How does Metaxas report a member of Igel described Bonhoeffer?
(a) "A Champion of the kaiser and the policies of Bismarck."
(b) "Extremely secure and self-confident, not vain, but 'able to tolerate criticism.'"
(c) "Far more rooted in his home than was customary among his fellow students."
(d) "Generally patriotic."

14. What does Metaxas report to be the focus of Bonhoeffer's thoughts in London while some of his colleagues were concentrating on political battles against Nazi intrusion of the church?
(a) Bonhoeffer was thinking about how to get the world involved in dealing with Hitler's social and religious agenda.
(b) Bonhoeffer was thinking about permanently leaving Germany and renouncing his citizenship.
(c) Bonhoeffer was thinking about how he could best influence Germany's leaders.
(d) Bonhoeffer was thinking about God's call of discipleship and its cost.

15. What was Bonhoeffer's view of philosophy, according to Metaxas?
(a) Bonhoeffer considered a theologian and philosopher to be the same thing.
(b) Bonhoeffer believed that one could not become a solid philosopher without studying theology.
(c) Bonhoeffer considered philosophy to be man's search for truth apart from God.
(d) Bonhoeffer believed that one could not become a solid theologian without studying philosophy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Bonhoeffer deal with the conduct of the students in Wedding?

2. What position did Hitler take when German pastors were allowed to meet with him to express their concerns?

3. What were the two reasons Metaxas cites that Bonhoeffer decided to lead two German congregations in London?

4. At what age does Metaxas report Bonhoeffer completed his second postdoctoral thesis?

5. How does Metaxas describe the "Thursday Circle"?

(see the answer keys)

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