Bones & All Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Camille Deangelis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bones & All Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Camille Deangelis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Sully's rope made from?

2. Why does Lee not want to take Kayla with him on the road?

3. What does Sully say about his eating people to reassure Maren?

4. How does Maren know her maternal grandparents address?

5. What does the boy in green jersey see Maren doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where does Maren think that Janelle (Maren's mom) wants Maren to go after she finds the envelope from her mom?

2. In Chapter 1, why does Maren think that she has an earache? Who does she think came to her in her dream?

3. In Chapter 2, Maren thinks, "Sometimes out the blue I'd have that taste in my mouth" (35). What taste is she talking about?

4. In Chapter 1, what does Luke show Maren that makes her think, later, about things that are not meant to be eaten?

5. Why do Lee and Maren have to make a quick getaway from Barry Cook's house in the morning?

6. In Chapter 1, what is the social worker suspicious of in regard to Maren's mom? Why does the social worker want to talk to Maren's mom?

7. What does Maren think of when she see Mrs. Harmon's spare room?

8. What happens to Maren on the bus ride home to Mrs. Harmon's house?

9. In Chapter 1, what is the thing that finally makes Maren's mom "see" that Maren ate someone?

10. Who does Lee eat for his first time?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Mrs. Harmon and Sully are both people that Maren looks up to. How do Mrs. Harmon and Sully contrast each other? Mrs. Harmon does not know that Maren is an "eater." How does that enable Mrs. Harmon to see a deeper truth about Maren? Sully knows that Maren is an "eater" and accepts her for it, how does that affect Maren?

Essay Topic 2

Describe Maren's relationship with her mom. Maren's inner monologue in relation to her mom changes over the course of the book. Describe the change that happens in Maren. Do you think Maren is lying to herself about some of the things she thinks about her mom?

Essay Topic 3

The reader sees Maren's experience with various boys. How do the boys' desire, temptation, and persistence reflect Maren's desires, temptation, resistance, and indulgence? Consider the boys' initial offer of innocent kindness, which inevitably leads to the boys asking for something romantic or physical from Maren; Their veiled need to get something from Maren. Maren's innocent acceptance of friendship, which inevitably leads to her perfunctory resistance and her need to get something from the boy that she is with.

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