Bones & All Test | Final Test - Easy

Camille Deangelis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bones & All Test | Final Test - Easy

Camille Deangelis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Maren study the babylonians?
(a) Maren is almost sure that she is of Babylonian descent.
(b) She knows that Jason is particularly interested in Babylonian artifacts.
(c) She wants to travel to modern day Iraq, which is where ancient Babylon was located.
(d) She is drawn by the Babylonian sculptures, which look like beautiful monsters to Maren.

2. How does Maren find Kayla?
(a) She goes to the high school in Tingley and a secretary dials Kayla's home phone number.
(b) She memorized Kayla's address.
(c) She goes to the ice cream shop where Kayla works and waits until Kayla arrives.
(d) She goes to where Kayla's mom works and finds out where Kayla is.

3. Where does Maren want to go from Travis' house?
(a) To Barbara's house.
(b) To Lee and Kayla's house.
(c) To Frank's hospital.
(d) To Sully's cabin.

4. At the beginning of Chapter 11, who comes to Maren in a dream?
(a) Brbara Yearly.
(b) Lee.
(c) Frank.
(d) Mrs. Harmon.

5. What does Maren want to ask her house mate about in Chapter 12?
(a) About what happened to their landlady who goes missing for several days and then returns mysteriously.
(b) About the noises that Maren hears from the basement at night.
(c) About where the third house mate goes every night.
(d) About what happened to the man her housemate has in the house one night.

6. Who does Lee see while Maren and Lee are riding the Ferrish Wheel?
(a) Maren's mom.
(b) Kayla.
(c) Sully.
(d) Mrs. Harmon

7. How does Frank communicate with Maren?
(a) He has a video journal to show Maren.
(b) Travis has a message that he tells to Maren on behalf of Frank.
(c) He uses sign language that Travis translates.
(d) He has written letters to Maren.

8. How does Maren get back to Tarbridge after leaving the abandoned barn?
(a) She hitches a ride with a woman trucker.
(b) She steals a car and drives it back to Tarbridge.
(c) She hitches a ride with a nice man.
(d) She hitches a ride with a girl heading back to college.

9. Who is sitting in the corner of the bedroom watching Maren?
(a) Sully.
(b) Travis.
(c) Lee.
(d) Frank.

10. Who watches Frank when he is a boy at school?
(a) A man in a red flannel shirt.
(b) Dan Yearly.
(c) A guard who works at the school.
(d) Barbara Yearly.

11. What is the one word that Frank fills up the rest of the notebook with in all the different crayon colors?
(a) Maren.
(b) Travis.
(c) Frank.
(d) Janelle.

12. Where do Lee and Maren meet up after Maren meets Barbara?
(a) At the local Walmart.
(b) At the Sandhorn Library.
(c) At a diner.
(d) At a motel.

13. Why has Frank never seen Maren before?
(a) Frank went blind for a little while.
(b) He left Janelle forever before Maren was born.
(c) Janelle and Frank got divorced and Janelle would not let Frank see Maren.
(d) Janelle ran away from Frank.

14. What is Barbara's biological son's name?
(a) Richard.
(b) David.
(c) Eric.
(d) Tom.

15. How long has Frank lived at the hospital?
(a) 10 years.
(b) 7 years.
(c) 5 years.
(d) 14 years.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where was Maren born?

2. What does Frank write about what happened when he was a boy and that man from the bus locked him in the bathroom?

3. How is Sully related to Frank?

4. Why does Barbara adopt Frank?

5. What is the name of the roller coaster that Lee wants to ride?

(see the answer keys)

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