Bone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Fae M. Ng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Bone Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Fae M. Ng
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Leila muses that her sister must have a map of ___________ in her head, while Leila only has Chinatown.
(a) San Francisco
(b) China
(c) Japan
(d) New York

2. Leong had left no burial funds for when he died, so ____________ had to beg for donations from others.
(a) Leon
(b) Nina
(c) Mah
(d) Leila

3. What is NOT a part of Leon's story of how he came to America 50 years before?
(a) He married Mah
(b) He memorized someone else's history
(c) He bought his surname
(d) He was granted entry to the US

4. Who often accompanies Leila on the home visits she makes as a community relations specialist?
(a) Leon
(b) Mason
(c) Mah
(d) Nina

5. Leila is looking for Leon again and at the Seaman's Union, she finds out that he is waiting for ______________.
(a) Mah
(b) A ship
(c) Nina
(d) Leila

6. Leila talks to Mason about a ___________ to her her forgive and to forget.
(a) Prayer
(b) Song
(c) Poem
(d) Ritual

7. Where do Leila and Mason find Leon, though he is shocked to see them there?
(a) Grocery store
(b) Bus stop
(c) Bar
(d) Diner

8. Who suggests going out to dinner, though Leila instantly recalls a time when they did so with less than positive results?
(a) Mah
(b) Zeke
(c) Mason
(d) Leon

9. Mah warns Leila against eating ___________ every day, though Leila argues that she likes the taste.
(a) American
(b) Japanese
(c) Chinese
(d) Mexican

10. What is the color of the car that Zeke is driving when he pulls up to meet Mason and Leila?
(a) Red
(b) White
(c) Green
(d) Black

11. Where is Mason Louie's repair shop located in the city where Leon and Leila live?
(a) Brooklyn
(b) Mission
(c) The docks
(d) Japantown

12. Mason says that __________ is too much like Leon, keeping everything, remembering everything.
(a) Ona
(b) Nina
(c) Mah
(d) Leila

13. Where does Leon want Mason to drive him, though he gets him lost along the way?
(a) Baby Store
(b) Chinese cemetery
(c) Shipyard
(d) Adult store

14. Who promises not to bitch when Leon finally arrives back at home, safe and sound?
(a) Mah
(b) Nina
(c) Mason
(d) Leila

15. Leila and Mason fly into _________ as Nina returns from a tour of the Yangtze River area.
(a) Boston
(b) Washington DC
(c) New York
(d) Chicago

Short Answer Questions

1. When Grandpa Leong dies, he leaves a ______________ soaking in a bottle of herbs.

2. Leila does not want the big ___________ that Mah insists on having to meet her obligations to relatives.

3. Who tells Leon that he cannot go into the place where he wants to go?

4. Who is the one who had the abortion and tells Leon and Mah, even though there doesn't seem to be a reason to do so?

5. Where does Mason help out by installing the rest of the fluorescent lights that Leon did not complete?

(see the answer keys)

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